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Thread: ummmm. hydrangea.

  1. #1

    ummmm. hydrangea.

    I haven't been posting photos a lot, lately, because I'm just experimenting and trying to get used to Lightroom. It's taking a lot of time. Will you bear with me as I go through some artistique growing pains?! Is this approaching something that makes sense?

    better viewed in the light box.

    ummmm. hydrangea.

  2. #2
    stevewe88's Avatar
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    Re: ummmm. hydrangea.

    I love it

    It is bordering on abstract and that is not normally my kind of thing but I really love this

  3. #3
    MajaMolly's Avatar
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    Re: ummmm. hydrangea.

    I like it, Katy. The way you have processed it very much enhances the blues and purples in hydrangeas. Even though it is somewhat abstract, I would have instantly known that it was a hydrangea. The water droplets at first made me think of crystalized sugar. Very nice.

  4. #4
    Letrow's Avatar
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    Re: ummmm. hydrangea.

    Yes, I like it. Is this uncropped?

  5. #5

    Re: ummmm. hydrangea.

    Thanks, Steve, Maja and Peter! Super! I haven't completely lost my mind, then.

    yes, Peter, it was a cropped a little. I was just thinking if I should've taken just a tiny bit more off of the left. If you'd like, later, I can post the original. It was taken with the 60mm 2.8.

  6. #6
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: ummmm. hydrangea.

    Lovvely purple Katy.

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: ummmm. hydrangea.

    Quote Originally Posted by Katy Noelle View Post
    I was just thinking if I should've taken just a tiny bit more off of the left.
    Hi Katy,

    I do like it, but having held a piece of paper to the screen (to simulate the crop), I think you are right about a bit more off the left.

    Just exclude the coloured bit lower left and "hey presto", as they say.

    Great picture, as you said above, much better in the Lytebox.

    Well done,

  8. #8

    Re: ummmm. hydrangea.

    Thanks, Steve, and thanks much, Dave! I'll get an edited copy, later! The whole point was to have a concentrated "macro" point in the middle of a wash of abstract, glittery color. The bottom left ruins that idea, a bit.

    Hey, Jiro, if you see this - David D. would be so proud - I had my idea and, then, refined it in post processing. (Not like that's a new experience for me but it was pretty purposeful, this time.)

  9. #9

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    Re: ummmm. hydrangea.

    Beautiful presentation.

  10. #10
    jiro's Avatar
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    Willie or Jiro is fine by me.

    Re: ummmm. hydrangea.

    Quote Originally Posted by Katy Noelle View Post
    Hey, Jiro, if you see this - David D. would be so proud - I had my idea and, then, refined it in post processing. (Not like that's a new experience for me but it was pretty purposeful, this time.)
    I'm happy for you and proud, Katy. I can always feel your enthusiasm when you learn something about post-processing in Lightroom. That is basically the process to it. Hope to see some more, girl.

  11. #11

    Re: ummmm. hydrangea.

    edited version:

    ummmm. hydrangea.

    I tried cloning and healing in the bottom left corner just a little but, I'm still clumsy with the tool in Lightroom. In LR 1.4, that's the only thing I don't like too well.

    Thanks, Bobo! and Jiro!

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