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Thread: Do more photos/range necessarily make a better HDR image?

  1. #21

    Join Date
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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Do more photos/range necessarily make a better HDR image?

    Quote Originally Posted by _GUI_ View Post
    activate AEB {-2,0,+2}. The least exposed shot will now correspond to an ETTR shot of the scene.
    4. Activate mirror lockup
    ... you beat me by 3 minutes!

  2. #22
    New Member
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    Munich, Germany

    Re: Do more photos/range necessarily make a better HDR image?

    Thanks for the tips, Colin and Gui.

  3. #23
    New Member
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    presently Cornwall Uk

    Re: Do more photos/range necessarily make a better HDR image?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Leigh,

    Regarding being able to post pics here, try this thread;
    How do I post images here?

    You can then re-open the post above and put it in.

    thanx Dave will get to it in the next dat or two. Leigh

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