Hi Yan,
Thanks for the kind comments
To be honest, they all look different when scaled down for these pages ... on my 24" monitor #4 expecially looks magnificent - probably one of the nicest skies I've ever captured, but it just doesn't translate well here unfortunately
The runway you're looking at is one I've taken off and landed on many many times back in my "piloting days", and whereas I'd like to say that I just "gave the control tower a call", in reality I'm really just setup on the other side of a fence that runs around the perimeter of the airfield. Unlike many international airports, things are quite casual in these parts -- there's a walkway around the airfield, and until about 7 or 8 years ago they didn't even have a fence -- just some signs that suggested that it wouldn't be in your best fiscal interests nor conducive to your personal freedom to cut across the airfield! These days they have the fence, but it's only about 4 feet high, and gets quite close to the runway in parts -- so on this occasion I've got 1 leg of my tripod over the fence and I'm shooting with a long lens (actual end of the runway is about 20 seconds sprinting from the fence if one had to for some reason) (not a good idea)
(Just found a photo that a passenger took when I was coming in to land on that same runway - I've put a ring around the fence)
Actually, you reminded my of a funny situation I got myself into whilst in the Air Force many years ago ... I worked in the control tower at the time and was involved in the base gliding club which operated across the other side of the airfield. To get there on foot would be about a 3km walk around the outside - or probably less than 1km cutting right across the runway -- in the airforce cutting across the runway is pretty much up there with the worst of possible offences one can commit (without permission) - but since I worked in the tower the duty controller said I could cut across (said he'd use the signal light to (literally) give me a green light when I got to the edge). So off I go - no problem - but you should have seen the looks on the faces of those waiting for me at the other side (including the orderly officer) - luckily all sorted out quickly! (whew).
PS: For all of those who've never seen the inside of an Air Traffic Control Tower, here's a shot of the Nelson Tower ...