Hi Matthew - Is your nephew auditioning for The Omen - looks as if he would walk the part - in either disguise.
Expecting him in the next Scary Movie
I bet he really enjoyed it but whether your brother/sister will when he wakes up with nightmares is another matter Looks great although when it comes to pics of me I reckon it would make me look less scary as I'm not very photogenic out of interest what did you do to get that effect?
He wanted me to print a copy for him to take to school! I thought id best not!
1. Created a Black & White layer then increased the yellow (to get the bright glow on left side of face)
2. Added a texture to a new layer then changed the blending mode to Color Burn and erased both iris.
3. Created another layer to paint some yellow to the eyes and changed to overlay, used the burn tool on the iris to bring up the blacks and the dodge tool on the whites.
4. Clone stamped all the darkness to loose his hat and any other bits
5. Finally i used a high pass filter to give it a more menacing look
Pretty simple really
For a minute there Dave I thought you applied my method to a photo of you lol!!
A great game S.T.A.L.K.E.R
hehehe no, trust me I would look much worse