Good composition and the detail is there. Good shot!![]()
Hey DrJSkatre, do you have achristian name we can call you? You can add this to your profile so that it shows up next to your avatar on the left.
I love the shot. It's very sharp and beautifully composed.
i hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of playing about with it slightly in Photoshop to try to make it 'sing' a little bit more as I felt it was lacking in contrast slightly...
What I did was apply Jiro's Dodge and Burn Technique to add some contrast. I then masked that layer so that it was only applied to the bird and the twig and dropped the opacity down to about 75%. I also added a slight S-Curve and reduced the saturation of the background a touch.
You may not agree that this is an improvement as I think it is very much a personal preference, but I like the added contrast.
Great shot and I hope to see a lot more from you!![]()
I like your edit, Tommy. Nice work.![]()
If you may entertain an extra suggestion, I would use the darkened background but make the bird a little bit brighter so the viewer's eye would be pinned just on the bird most of the time.![]()
Yeah, I'm a little bit concerned about it, too that drjskarte might find us a bit intrusive. My one last comment is that you back off a little bit on the saturation. I love the extra detail but I want to preserve the subtle colors from the original. The darkened background helps but be selective on your contrast application. Just a thought.![]()
Shall we delete all our posts?![]()
In future I promise not to use other peoples' photos for my own personal post-production education.
Nice edit though Willie![]()
Personally I like it when you gurus edit my images,thats how I have been learning.dr skates doing some nice birds, keep posting![]()
hello friends,
i don't really mind playing around with images posted by me...after all it is a small copy and not original, and i also learn from such experiments,.
...i used to do such editing in the past to get better results, but now-a-days i prefer only slightly increasing contrast, sharpness and adjustments in white balance. i try to compose more carefully so that i don't have to use tools like cloning etc.....but i do agree, it is just my personal liking and using photoshop to improve image is not at all wrong.