What a cool looking lizard. Great shot!
Is that his "cooling fin", or is he cruising for a lady lizard?
Great shot.
Wow, what beautiful colors, Jitenda! I don't know Mike. Perhaps it is a defensive posture used to frighten nosey photographers?
Little did we know that this isnt his first time on camera. He is striking a pose! Very cool shot!
thanks everybody..
this lizard displays the fan during breeding period , but it's erect posture seems to be on purpose to scare the 'nosy photographer' ( that's me ) away...
Oh Wow ! I saw the title and wondered what on Earth I was about to see - It's a magnificent shot and leaves nothing to the imagination-a very proud lizard too lol.. - Nature can be truly stunning.
Congrats, a real great shot. Where was that taken?
A great capture Jitendra, lovely colours.
thanks friends for comments,.. i shot this creature near my town in India..
Beautiful shot, Jitendra!
Amazing focus, detail, and color. Great shot.
Great shot Jitendra. He's beautiful. You caught him at a great angle to show off his posture &, of course, attitude. Do they bite?
thanks friends...no Nihia, it does not bite , it is just six inches long.
Dear Jitendra. Could you please contact me thasun(dot)taprobanica(at)gmail(dot)com. I want some photos of this species for a publication. Thasun
Not sure how I missed this one! It's all been said above, well done!