Welcome to the site Gamal ...
You'll find that you've joined a superb site, populated by quality people who [mostly] happen to be excellent photographers. I've read posts here written by members in countries located all over the globe (some of which I had never even heard of, and had to look up on the map..)
Can you tell us about your equipment? I like the image..what kind of flower (pod?) is that?
By the way, is Gamal your first name?
Last edited by Dizzy; 22nd August 2011 at 05:46 PM.
Thanks Mike for your encouraging message. In fact, I was kind of anxious to see how I'd do among the whole lot of pro photographers who are members of this site.
You are right, my first name is Gamal.
I use a Canon 7D camera. I have a 24-105 mm Red Ring Lens, 70-200 mm F4.0 Red Ring Lens and a 17-55 mm f2.8 lens. I find myself relying on my 24-105 mm most of the time while I'm at home.
Concerning the name of that flower, I'm afraid I don't know (there were no tags). The picture was taken in a public park called "Al Azhar" park which overlooks old Cairo.
Not to worry at all Gamal, as they have all been kind enough tolerate me, and I'm such a beginner that being called a "rank amateur" is a compliment.
Lots of very smart plant people here, so very likely that one of them might be able to identify it.
Old Cairo must be a beautiful place, especially with all the ancient architecture there!
Hello, and welcome to CiC. My apologies that I missed your earlier posts and failed to welcome you.
The interesting thing is that there are no professionals on here. There are some semi-professionals and lots of very enthusiastic amateurs.
The important thing is that everyone is very passionate about photography and that extends to offering whatever support, advice and guidance to fellow members of the forum may be requested.
And - that is a very impressive first image to be posting. One thign I wonder is - Would it help to clone out the flower/seed heads that are creeping in on the right hand side? They do attract attention.