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Thread: Sunset in Montaza, Alexandria

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Alexanadria - Egypt

    Sunset in Montaza, Alexandria

    Sunset in Montaza, Alexandria

    This pic was taken during sunset @ Montaza, Alexandria - Egypt. I added an effect to give it the blue color.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Egypt - Alexandria
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    Re: Sunset in Montaza, Alexandria

    Wow! This really a beautiful photo. The blueness gives an inspiring touch..

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Gloucester UK
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    John Wright

    Re: Sunset in Montaza, Alexandria

    It's novel--I think it works too. How does it compare to the original ? When this post was opening up I wondered why I was seeing blue in a sunset. I wonder if it would be enhanced some by cropping out some of the sea to allow the boatmen more centre-stage ?

    There have been a couple of off-centre horizons the past two days,this is slightly off too but only very slightly. My two were pointed out to me so I'm tuned in to that now :

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset in Montaza, Alexandria

    Hi Gamal,

    Two things, one John has already mentioned; your horizon isn't quite level (it is down on left and needs a small clockwise rotation).
    The secound is that the boat is travelling out of frame; the front of the boat is slightly closer to the right hand edge than the back is to the left hand edge. In an ideal world, I'd have them about 10-15% further left (i.e. not as far as the third.

    That said, it is a beautiful image and the size of the boat in relation to the overall composition is perfect for me, plus it is sharp.

    Very good,

  5. #5
    New Member
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    Re: Sunset in Montaza, Alexandria

    Amazing shot I miss Alexandria so much, some of the best days in my life was there..

  6. #6
    Benjy's Avatar
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    Bernard Boyle

    Re: Sunset in Montaza, Alexandria

    Hi Gamel,what a great shot.....hope you do,t mind me adding to your thread,here is Alexandria Scotland at sunset taken from my bedroom window....Sunset in Montaza, Alexandria

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