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Thread: Rock Climber

  1. #1
    Frankie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Washington, DC

    Rock Climber

    I was perched on this rock over-looking the Potomac at Great Falls National Park in Virgina stalking some birds when this guy popped up. So, I took advantage of the situation and started shooting. I could not move around much in my perch, so I couldn't avoid the rock in the foreground of a few of these. It was either that or a branch on the left side... I figured the rock made more sense... I could be wrong.

    Anyway - thank you for viewing and I welcome all C&C.

    Rock Climber

    Rock Climber

    Rock Climber

    Rock Climber

    Rock Climber

    Rock Climber

    Thank you again for viewing and for your comments.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Zealand

    Re: Rock Climber

    Frankie, eek!

    Obviously you had already shimmied up that selfsame rock. Carrying a camera, a bag & goodness knows what else. I am in the moment with you. No. 2 shot does it for me.

    Good musculature you need for scaling rocks.


  3. #3
    dje's Avatar
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    Dave Ellis

    Re: Rock Climber

    Good action shots Frankie. Better him than me in that position

    I like the smile on the guy's face in the last shot.

    Cheers Dave

  4. #4
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Frank Miller

    Re: Rock Climber

    Quote Originally Posted by Frankie View Post
    I was perched on this rock over-looking the Potomac at Great Falls National Park in Virgina stalking some birds when this guy popped up.
    No wonder you get such dazzling bird shots, Frankie! Boy, are you ever dedicated! I like # 2 as well, nice energy and focus. From the smile on his face, I'm guessing that you impressed him! LOL!

  5. #5
    Frankie's Avatar
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    Washington, DC

    Re: Rock Climber

    No rock climbing for me... extreme fear of heights! I accessed my perch from the hiking trail that goes along the river.
    He had no idea I was taking his photo. But I did approach him after and gave him my contact info. I sent him copies of the photos and he was pleased. Hopefully I get more opportunities to take more photos of rock climbers.

    I went by the park this evening and took tons of photos of crazy kayakers. So, look for some of those shots in the next day or so... :-)
    I've decided that I can do people as long as they are doing some kind of sport. I like the action and capturing that moment in the action.
    Thanks for your comments! I'm having fun!

  6. #6
    epmi314's Avatar
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    Re: Rock Climber

    Nice photos. I like the last where he looks to be taking a little break if that is even possible while scaling the side of a mountain. Plus it doesn't have that little spot in the foreground. I assume you had a somewhat limited site line especially if you fear heights! Me too! It is rather nuts to me climbing vertical faces. I realize he is tied off so the helmet could be helpful if he loses grip and falls back into the face but it does seem a bit like wearing a helmet on an airplane...

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