The vibrancy in the first one certainly attracts attention. And you've captured the detail very well.
The other two don't have the same impact for me and #3 feels a bit 'squeezed' into the frame. I realise you went in tight, but I wonder if, particularly at the top, it needs a bit more space around it?
Hi Bobo,
I agree with Donald's suggestion on #3, but I do like the 'natural' gemetric shapes in this, but things that I think could be improved;
What Donald said: more edge space, but not a lot, but a bit on top, left and slightly less on right and bottom
Don't watermark it like that - and especially on this image, where it covers one of the three edge curls that form part of the composition - it's almost a crime![]()
More local contrast in the petals to reveal detail
More sharpness for same reason, but be careful, it would be easy to get wrong
Hope that helps,
Thanks Donald and Dave.
Will redo as suggested.
As for the watermark - I will have to set the Picasa uploader to not include that bit in future.
Yellow is a real pita to get right (for me at least). What would be a good way of going about it without it looking blown?