I can see what you'd go back to it. There is an alluring quality to it.
Although, first up, that (?) thread running from the arm of the spectacles onto the the eyebrow is pretty distracting. Is that meant to be there? It too draws attention away from the other shadows that do add shape and texture to the image.
It's also a pity, I think, that the spectacles are casting that hard, straight line shadow at the diagonal across the subject's nose and cheek
the line - it's a hair. I'll remove that. Perhaps I will try to soften the hard shadow below, but the spectacles add something I felt needed to be there. Perhaps it's just because I've known the lady for over 55 years
I agree that the spectacles need to be there. It's just being able to do something with that shadow. A bit of good old fashioned dodging would make it work better I think.
Aside from the single hair issue, I think this image would really look nice on a b&w conversion. I'd probably recommend opening up the shadow areas at the face by dodging it a little bit. I am also thinking of rotating the image just a little clockwise to make the eyebrow more diagonal. Something like this, Bob if it's alright with you.
Your image is good. I like it. It can be interpreted in many ways. For me, the first thought that came to me when I saw this was about introspection.
Jiro, funny you say that B&W as I tried it but didn't come up with your view, I like that. Donald, I'll play with that thought as well. I have a new computer and am waiting for my Mac copy of PS to arrive (I made the big platform crossover two days ago) in the mean time I'm using Aperture 3 (I think is how it is spelled) that comes with the iMac and it is really not bad at all. But still figuring it out, so it may be a day or night before I get mine up.
Thank you both for your input, and Jiro, always feel free to use anything I upload, that is why it is there all appreciated.
I lost the picture in my computer somewhere. This new mac is a different platform to me and I'm still lost in it.
This really is an alluring image and apart from the annoying little hair I wouldn't change a thing. The curve of the eyebrow and the curve of the spectacles leg into the oval of the lens really draw the eye into the image and holds it there, wonderful. Superb shot Bob.
thankyou Keith, but I'm still trying to find it in my computer and I thought a new apple would be easy to use.
You nailed it Bob. Superb shot!