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Thread: An Amazing escape in Arizona

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    John Wright

    An Amazing escape in Arizona

    This story and the photos are so amazing I thought it worthy of posting.

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: An Amazing escape in Arizona

    Well ! That's not something you see every day.

  3. #3

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    Re: An Amazing escape in Arizona

    Nothing is camera immune...

    Thanks for the article, nice read.

  4. #4
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    Re: An Amazing escape in Arizona

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC View Post
    This story and the photos are so amazing I thought it worthy of posting.
    What a great story..thanks for sharing that John..

    Beautiful cat, too, and it does have a " I am NOT happy" look on it's face. Can't say as I blame it.

    According to the story there is a presumption that the cougar had kittens. That's a bit of a stretch, perhaps, but if the bobcat was indeed trying to swipe a baby ....for dinner, well, maybe a few hours on top of that old cactus will teach it a lesson.

    Unfortunately, several months back I had to put down a bobcat right here in my front yard. She was so old that she wasn't able to hunt any more, and had probably been living on the neighborhood cats for at least a year. I lost two of my own cats in the 6 months before we first saw the bobcat, and both were capable of defending themselves (or avoiding) 99% of the threats they would face.

    When the big cat showed up in the yard at mid-day, I knew right off that something was very wrong. I felt horrible having to put her down, but it would have been much harder on her to be snared by the animal control people (IF we could have gotten them to come out), and then caged, etc. She must have been 150 in cat years, as her canine teeth were all but completely worn off, and she only had 1 claw left on 2 of her paws, and 2 worn claws remaining on each of the others. In her prime she would have been in the 22-25 lb. range, and the poor thing was only about 9 lbs. at the end.

    On the plus side, I have no doubts at all that she lived a very full life right to the end. If we stop and think about it, we can only imagine the stories she had to tell about the adventures she had, and the amazing things she saw in her days; also she was very likely a mother to dozens of her kind that now inhabit the local hills.
    Last edited by Dizzy; 25th August 2011 at 05:41 PM.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    John Wright

    Re: An Amazing escape in Arizona

    Must have been hard on you to do that,Mike but the only option.I think a cat's years is X 7 and X 5 for a dog.

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