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Thread: Amish Country

  1. #1
    Kris V's Avatar
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    Amish Country

    Last June I was in Indiana for my granddaughter's graduation.
    We visited Amish Country - This road sign caught my attention....
    Amish Country
    And here are the buggies:
    Amish Country

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Amish Country

    Please excuse me if this seems like I am ranting and raving. I began not to post this but, feel very strongly about the subject...

    The Amish type people don't use motorized transportation because "automobiles are not in the Bible" Boy, the second "buggy" seems like it is a pretty high tech vehicle. I wonder where aluminum wagons with pneumatic tires are mentioned in the Bible?

    However, most of the Amish customs, like their buggies, are pretty begnign. The bone I have to pick with a percentage of the Amish is the awful puppy mills that many of them are running on their farms.

    They can wear all the silly clothing they want and ride in any transportation they desire and it is their business. Mistreating dogs makes it my business and I have vowed to make as many people aware of horrible puppy mills run by Amish (and any others I learn about). My organization has rescued pitiful dogs from puppy mills who are in terrible physical and psychological conditions. Those mills are a curse and should be erradicated.

    Here is a little Maltese who spent seven and a half years in a tiny puppy mill cage, never receiving any human kindness. When we brought her in as a rescue she was in horrible shape. She has been damaged permanently. When she arrived, I would have to sit on the floor and toss food to her (like you would do with a squirrel or other wild creature to get it to approach you). She wouldn't come close to us because she was terrified of humans. She has been with us for 14 months and will never be adopted. She has finally begun to allow us to approach her and sometimes even pet her but, when a stranger appears; she reverts back to her almost feral behavior...

    Amish Country

    Most people are unaware of the Amish puppy-mill economy. Of course, all the Amish don't run puppy mills but, the mills are an accepted part of their culture just like riding a ridiculous 21st century aluminum wagon with pneumatic tires pulled by horses.
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 25th August 2011 at 02:16 PM.

  3. #3
    Kris V's Avatar
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    Re: Amish Country

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I love unique signs. They really give a flavor of the areas we visit.

    The bone I have to pick with a significant percentage of the Amish is the awful puppy mills that many of them are running on their farms.
    Mistreating dogs makes it my business. Of course, all the Amish don't run puppy mills but, the mills are an accepted part of their culture just like riding a ridiculous 21st century aluminum wagon with pneumatic tires pulled by horses.
    I never realized this sign on the side of the road reflected a puppy mill:
    Amish Country

  4. #4

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    Re: Amish Country

    Having read Richard's post, in any other circumstances these photos would be regarded as novel and appreciated but the Amish treat their horses very badly too -please see link below.

    Richard-After I'd read your post and spent time viewing several links other than the one you've posted here it's left me sitting here angry and tbh. upset. You're being too generous in saying that 'all Amish don't run puppy mills' -they all have the same attitude to their working animals,horses and dogs- they see them as livestock-nothing more,nothing less but as you'll know they are the leading organisation involved in the puppy mills and for all their 'quaint' ways in not embracing the modern world there's one thing that they do embrace - making money, that's their bottom line in this.

    I reflected on your opening line..'Please excuse me..etc. my immediate thought was why should you feel you have to be excused.. You've opened up my eyes even more to the Amish. Not too long ago we had a TV documentary here called 'The Squarest Teenagers in the World' Several of them came here from Ohio (I'm sure) wasn't PA. and they spent time with various families both rich and poor. There was a blog (if that's what it's called) where viewers could write in about it - almost all of the comments were positive and many were saying that we could do with some of their beliefs ,standards and lack of materialism' I saw past that and wrote a hard hitting piece about the Elders and the whole ethos of their way of life and imposing it on their children-forget the Rumspringa they're brainwashed by then.. but no-one knew about this outrageous practice..I wish I had.

    I don't understand why these puppy mills aren't illegal-as far as I know from what I've just read now they only have to comply with prescribed standards which obviously the Amish aren't complying with,maybe non-Amish breeders aren't complying either.

    In support of your response I would urge others to look at this.. be prepared though and you bet the Mennonite guy doesn't want his identity disclosed for fear of attack.


    About those horses..

    This is a photo. forum,I haven't lost sight of that but when something like these benign photos show up and behind it is a situation like this then I think it should be exposed ,the more who are made aware the more chance of getting these abominations closed down and the Amish should be prosecuted about their treatment of their horses too.

    I ought to declare an interest in animal welfare as a member of... and previously as a volunteer in the field involved in cat rescue -We've also had two retrievers.

    Richard-I hope Admin. will allow this to stand as an exception.It certainly deserves to be aired.

  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Amish Country

    Okay folks.

    I endorse all the views expressed in relation to anyone of whatever race, culture, belief system etc., ill-treating any animal. It is abhorrent.

    And I know your ire is not meant to be directed in a way that is critical of one group to the exclusion of all others.

    But I think we should leave it at that as we are identifying one cultural/religious group in particular in the discussion. I hope everyone is accepting of that position.

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