Randy, which lens were you using on these?
I like the tight crop on the second one. Focuses our attention right in on the action. And good timing to get the tackler in mid-air.
As to the title, I think sports coaches would tell you that 'I think I can' is the wrong attitude and that you've got to go into action saying 'I know I can'. Many of the world's top sportsmen and women can come across as quite arrogant to others who don't have that hyper-focused 'win' attitude.
The I think I can is more for me than the athletes. This was a Jamboree, the field is split in half with two games played at the same time. Kinda like a half court basketball game. Its hard enough not getting run over at one game but with two going on. I think I can keep from getting killed
You're right about the 'will win' not 'could win' attitude. My old coach used to say "there's winners and winers, which are you?".
Thanks Donald, and by the way I'm really enjoying your portrait tutorial and hope to post an image soon.
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 26th August 2011 at 06:30 PM.