Last edited by wommby; 28th August 2011 at 11:55 AM.
Very nice images, nicely lit.
Spectacular stuff, Debbie.
I haven't a clue what the challenges of shooting underwater are, but whatever they are, you've overcome them.
Can I maybe suggest you give a bit of space between the images. It makes them easier to view within your post.
Good suggestion - how do I do that?
Go into 'Edit Post' and after each image in your post, just press the return key to move the one below down a space. Even just a one line space between them, breaks them up a bit.
Just been looking at them again. They are beauties. The clarity is magnificent.
Thanks for the compliments. I have given them a little space now.
Underwater photography can be very difficult. Wide angle is more difficult than macro because of the lighting. Here is a photo of the system I use with two strobes attached. Then a picture of the different Ports I have for the front depending on whether I am taking macro or wide angle.
Stunning shots Debbie, love the colours!
That is some real piece of kit you have there - wow!
Do you have to use autofocus, or can you manually focus - the images are so clear...?
Spectacular imagery. IMO, this is a case when the right equipment and exceptional talent blend into a wonderful combination; resulting in breathtaking shots. Glad to see you have recovered. Please keep posting these enjoyable shots...
As with Donald, I am not particularly familiar with your equipment and it looks quite interseting.
You mention "two strobes". Is that a third strobe above the camera or some sort of focus light? Also, I am interested in the diffusers you have on the two strobes which look like they have small circular holes. This is quite interesting because I suspect that this might give a bit of specular light along with the diffuse light. Am I on the right track?
Fantastic images. I finally have something scheduled to get back in the water too. I have a live-aboard trip scheduled for St Kitts/Saba/St Maarten. I can't wait - though I am a little nervous about the live-aboard part... I get sea sick, so I hope my patches work.
I had wanted to buy another strobe before we went, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to afford it.For now, here's a look at my setup:
I think the SeaLife camera might be staying home this trip. We lugged it all the way to Indonesia in January, and I think it got wet once... Shooting with it is just night and day compared to using the 7D.
Can't wait to hit the water again. Hopefully I can take what I learned on my last trip and improve upon it and come back with even better images this time!
- Bill
Underwater photography has advanced soooooo far sense my day of using a custom made plexiglass housing with special water tight knobs to turn and push the assorted controls.
Your pictures are beautiful although if I had to pick one, it would be #'s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
Well done.
Glad you have been fixed and can go and take pics like these on a regular basis.
Wow shots all of them.
depends on which lens I am using. Mostly auto focus with wide angle but often manual focus with a macro lens. Thanks for the compliments. I love diving and getting nice shots but as all photographers - still working and learning and always trying to get something better.
Not exactly, this little hole allows is where the focus light comes from and is where I can screw in a red, or blue button. The red button button doesn't scare off the animals as much as white light and blue is for green water. I don't tend to use these much though. I also use a slight yellow filter under the diffusers when shooting wide angle. This is a Lee 444 filter and it helps to make the water bluer but again I haven't used this alot at this stage. I have only recently purchased a new lens for wide angle and it will take a fair bit to master it properly. Hope this all makes sense.
Thanks, I don't know which is my favourite either.
Thanks, glad you enjoyed them
Just reread your post. No, I think what you are looking at, which is on the right side of the handle is my dive computer. I do often use an extra focus light (mainly for night diving) and this attaches to the ball on top of the handle.
I meant to say to you, that you have quite a great set up. The 7D is a nice camera and it takes video too. Can't wait to see some of your shots
Hi Debbie,
Great images, but I'm also interested in the kit and have a question; why the square blocks of (what looks like) foam around the arms to the strobes? is it just additional bouyancy?
Wow, Debbie! I almost never see underwater images that are this clear and colourful. I love them!![]()
That's exactly what they are, but they are made of some special compound so they don't compress at depth. Don't use them or that amount with all camera/lens set up, just depends again on what combination and weight of that combination as to whether I need more buoyancy or not.