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Thread: Adjustment layers in GIMP - anything equivalent?

  1. #21

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    Re: Adjustment layers in GIMP - anything equivalent?

    Quote Originally Posted by The Blue Boy View Post
    Just stumbled this handy article for Gimp users. Thought I'd share.
    Great find Mark, I found that out while playing with CS1 and Gimp..

  2. #22
    The Blue Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Adjustment layers in GIMP - anything equivalent?

    I don't actually use Gimp, as I'm a PS user. I tried it once and didn't get on very well with it. But I often spend an hour or two using StumbleUpon set to photography related web content. It turns some really cracking stuff and some amazing images. Everyone should try it!

    Just Google StumbleUpon, download the toolbar and add and configure your preferences.

    I tried to add a link but it always comes up to my homepage.

  3. #23

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    Re: Adjustment layers in GIMP - anything equivalent?

    Quote Originally Posted by The Blue Boy View Post
    I don't actually use Gimp, as I'm a PS user. I tried it once and didn't get on very well with it. But I often spend an hour or two using StumbleUpon set to photography related web content. It turns some really cracking stuff and some amazing images. Everyone should try it!

    Just Google StumbleUpon, download the toolbar and add and configure your preferences.

    I tried to add a link but it always comes up to my homepage.
    Not a big fan of tool bars, the less the better. Also I run Linux, so GIMP is what I have.

  4. #24

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    Re: Adjustment layers in GIMP - anything equivalent?

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    I notice nobody's biting so far on your suggestion about some GIMP tutorials.
    I'm not sure how many GIMP users lurk around in these pages. I have noticed a few references. But it seems as if the frequent and regular posters are PS people. Maybe we could have a wee side alley into which we disappear to talk GIMP.
    I think something is needed to get people over the initial hump of understanding the basics of the GIMP. The friendly and constructive help, advice and knowledge shared by people on this site is such that it is one place where you don't feel ashamed to ask the 'daft laddie' (as we hereabouts in Scotland are known to say), or 'daft person' question.
    My point is that even though there is other stuff out there, even the most helpful forget to cover some of the basics.
    What I've found is that its the basics that are the key. I've had to work very hard (for me!) to get some of the basics steps. But once they're understood and embedded in the brain, the more complex stuff is easier to understand and things start to flow more logically. Even Rolf Steinort in his video tutorials at (which I find wonderful) sometimes goes through an intermediate step quickly in order to get to the main point, as if he assumes that everyone knows the bit in-between. And you don't learn because you've not understood the earlier step.
    So, in answer to your question - if there are users of the GIMP out there, maybe they'd like to declare themselves so we get an idea of how many there are, and whether a case for a corner of the site could be made to our esteemed and honoured administrators.
    I'm a gimp muser/user that needs lots of help

  5. #25
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Adjustment layers in GIMP - anything equivalent?

    On1 10 and or On1 RAW is a program which can be purchased (as opposed to renting Photoshop) and has layers capability. It is not terribly expensive...

  6. #26

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    Re: Adjustment layers in GIMP - anything equivalent?

    This is a quick reminder that this thread was begun in 2009 and that prior to today the most recent post was in 2011.

  7. #27
    New Member Myz's Avatar
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    Re: Adjustment layers in GIMP - anything equivalent?

    Newbie here.
    I just wanted to say thanks. Was having a question re layer masks, and reading the thread with David and Donald has really helped, despite it was years ago. You just have to love forums, that are there for all to see and remain there for years, and still are having an effect. Just wonderful.
    I was reading a book by Adobe Photoshop Focus Guide and trying to apply what I am reading to the GIMP. Adjustment layers topic had sent my head in a spin until I came across this thread. I can not do any adjustment layers or learn about them as the GIMP does not have that facility.
    Davids explanation back in 2009 to Donald works for me, so thanks again.

  8. #28
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Adjustment layers in GIMP - anything equivalent?

    Delighted to hear that the post still has relevance.

    I had forgotten how frustrating it was to try to find out how to do adjustment layers in GIMP, until I found out I couldn't.

  9. #29

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    Re: Adjustment layers in GIMP - anything equivalent?

    Quote Originally Posted by bcyork View Post
    As a retoucher and a huge fan of linux I really look forward to the day when GIMP has 16bit capabilities
    The GIMP V2.9 does 16bit TIFFs.
    and adjustment layers
    I know it does masking but that word seems interchangeable with "layers" in this thread.

    . I am a compositor retoucher and couldn't use software without adjustment layers as well as adjustment layers that can be tied to a specific layer as in photoshop. They help reduce image size as well as changing at a later date for flexability. Editing snapshot style layers and stacking just creates a very inefficient work flow and a huge file in the end. As much as I am a fan of Photoshop I would love for GIMP to give it run for its money and help bring some oppertunity for a linux workstation in photography. It seems as though Adobe will never create software for Linux sadly.

    Also Wacom could do something about drivers aswell for linux.


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