So I could schedule a reshoot with the model, or I could ... I dunno.
Any ideas?
Dave, I like your suggestion. I might try this again, but with some sort of toy stuff in the background. Regardless, I think the silver surfer is pretty cool looking.
My weather has not been gloomy, but the local farmers have been spreading this years fertilizer so things are not that pleasant outside! Your picture could not have come at a better time ! Thanks i like it!!
Dear Brian,
Where was your flash exactly located?
The left side (for the model the right side) is totally dark. Perhaps a Rembrandt triangle there could make the picture more vivid.
As an OCD (our daily challenge on Flickr) I captured a statue. My main flash was on the right with a 45 degree angle above the statue. Together I used my internal flash at - 3 eV. The flash can't be seen on the statue but gave a nice shadow in the back... (a white ceiling!!, my camera was on the ground also under a 45 degree angle and the statue was about 3 - 4 feet above the floor. I use a mirror to view my Lv)
Stand by PjerryT, on Flickr
Just an idea.Maybe (ehh certainly) this could have been better performed than that,but that's my present level.
btw. Your topic isn't boring at all!!!
Nice PP, Brian....