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Thread: Bird Photography

  1. #41
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Bird Photography

    Thank you for the inspiration... Gorgeous shots. Give me a week or two, to match your pelican shots (before I post) maybe a month

    Bird Photography
    Last edited by Brownbear; 22nd September 2011 at 08:57 PM. Reason: wanted to add similar photo

  2. #42
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Bird Photography

    Hi Christina,

    OK, I think I may have spotted the problem, when you are switching to Aperture Priority, according to the EXIF data, the flash is firing, I think this is what is forcing the shutter speed to a slow 1/160s, which in turn is probbly limiting the available apertures you can use, giving the motion blur in #2 and #3.

    You need to turn the flash off.
    Then, since you're in Aperture priority ("A" on top dial), you should have a full range of apertures available and be able to select say, f/8 which should allow faster, action freezing, shutter speeds.

    The other thing that the 1/160s flash speed tells me is that you have the "Super Steady Shot" or image stabilisation device turned OFF (or it would be 1/125s).
    I would suggest you have it on - it is what we also know as IS/VR/VC on Canon/Nikon/other lenses.


  3. #43
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Bird Photography

    Thank you... I will study diligently and post again later (When I have a perfect pelican action shot using aperture mode)

  4. #44

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    Re: Bird Photography

    Great thread. Really helpful for birds in flight. At the moment I am practicing on the wood pigeons and doves in the garden flying around. As my reaction is as fast as a slug stampeding through peanut butter I miss more than I hit.
    Birds sitting is much easier for me

    Sometimes you get lucky and things like herons don't fly away as you approach them.

    I called this one Steptoe. Scruffy looking thing it was

    Bird Photography

  5. #45

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    Re: Bird Photography

    Ok I know this isn't the best shot when it comes to focus but I thought it was pretty cool composition wise and because it was a bit of a lucky catch, I was taking pictures of the Sparrow just sitting on the branch when I held down the shutter release button a bit to long and ended up taking about three pictures instead of one, only when I looked at them on PC did I see what a cool little pic I actually got

    Bird Photography
    _MG_7946 by Tobias Weber, on Flickr

  6. #46
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Bird Photography

    Quote Originally Posted by Skyline View Post
    I called this one Steptoe. Scruffy looking thing it was
    Glad to meet you, Mr. Scruffy Steptoe! Now that makes me smile! Great name, Dave.

  7. #47
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Bird Photography

    I was doing a little long exposure this morning and this guy landed behind me. I am surprised I got the lense changed before he left. Sometimes the right time and place comes to you with a little luck. Shot in AP 1/10 sec iso 400 @ 150mm

    Bird Photography
    Last edited by jeeperman; 24th September 2011 at 07:57 PM.

  8. #48
    Markvetnz's Avatar
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    Re: Bird Photography

    I posted few pics of my trip to the local gannet colony a few days ago. I thought I'd put a few of my favs here too in case you hadnt seen them on the other thread.

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  9. #49

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    Re: Bird Photography

    Quote Originally Posted by Markvetnz View Post
    I posted few pics of my trip to the local gannet colony a few days ago. I thought I'd put a few of my favs here too in case you hadnt seen them on the other thread.

    Bird Photography
    Really like this

  10. #50
    kaneohebud's Avatar
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    California Brown Pelican

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    Those Gannets are sure pretty birds, wish we had some in Hawaii. Shot this pelican this morning while visiting family in California.

  11. #51
    GeorgeM's Avatar
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    Re: Bird Photography

    Quote Originally Posted by Markvetnz View Post
    I posted few pics of my trip to the local gannet colony a few days ago. I thought I'd put a few of my favs here too in case you hadnt seen them on the other thread.

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  12. #52

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    Re: Bird Photography

    I set the camera up on a tripod. Put it 3 feet away from the feeder and waited. I then used a wireless remote to take the shot.

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  13. #53
    ddp4me's Avatar
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    Re: Bird Photography

    Lovely photos, Christina! Really liked the video, too.

    To all,

    I love birds as well. I'm not going to say I'm the best at capturing them. Especially when in flight.

    But, when my husband and I took vacation last year, we rented a cabin in the woods and had a deck out back that faced the woods. I set my Nikon on a tripod with my long lens shooting out the glass patio doors (cleaned the glass). I was able to get some great close-ups of local birds and a squirrel with a little birdseed and toast.

    We also went to the Knoxville, TN, USA zoo and they had an amazing South American bird habitat and I was able to get several neat shots there as well.

    I'll post a few and would love feedback. Just some other ideas.

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  14. #54
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Bird Photography

    Quote Originally Posted by ddp4me View Post
    I'll post a few and would love feedback. Just some other ideas.

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    Bird Photography
    Hi Darlene,

    The first is excellent and the only improvement I can suggest is a subtle increase in sharpening to make it perfect.

    The second is unfortunately, for me anyway, a non-starter, just too much foliage obstructing the view, sorry.

    Hope that's helpful,

  15. #55
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Bird Photography

    Thank you. Love the first shot... Very pretty and you can see the details of his markings. The bird looks like he is looking right at you!

    Can't see him in the 2nd shot..

  16. #56
    jprzybyla's Avatar
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    Re: Bird Photography

    Black-bellied Whistler Ducks taken at Circle B Bar Reserve, Polk County, Florida

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    Last edited by jprzybyla; 30th September 2011 at 02:51 PM.

  17. #57
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Bird Photography

    Hi Peter,
    Just to let you know that I experimented with a higher iso and exposure today... Some shots were still too blurry (when in A mode) but I learned that it is okay to use a higher iso, and that S mode or M mode is better for more control... Overall the lighting was better in the photos and some photos were sharper... I need to practice more, but I just want you to know that your advice was very helpful... here are a couple of shots from today.

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    Bird Photography

    Bird Photography

    Thank you... Will post again when I have a perfect shot... Give me a couple of months..

  18. #58

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    Re: Bird Photography

    Bird Photography
    Found this falcon sitting in the middle of a field. After taking a few shots she suddenly flew up and landed right behind me in a tree. *wonders if she was posing for him on purpose.

  19. #59
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Bird Photography


  20. #60
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Bird Photography

    Quote Originally Posted by Hero View Post
    Bird Photography
    Found this falcon sitting in the middle of a field. After taking a few shots she suddenly flew up and landed right behind me in a tree. *wonders if she was posing for him on purpose.
    Hi Hero,

    That's nice and sharp when viewed full size, but by then it is overflowing my screen, I would definitely crop that down so we can see the falcon larger.

    Lovely shot,

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