I don't know about you good folks, but I struggle to understand 90% of the small print - it's so "legaleze". I work through a broker for my insurance -- what usually happens is I put a lot of "scenarios" to them - they come back with answers that make sense, but I must admit to always worrying that when "push comes to shove" just how easy it would be to get compensation.
Speaking of insurance in general though - as a basic strategy - I try to insure only against major things (like losing the lot) - so I've elected for a $5000 excess (which lowered the premiums by about 1/3) - if I damaged something to the tune of $4999 I'd have to wear it (which would leave me in a foul mood for a few days!), but it's really the other few hundred thousand that I want protection on.
That reminds me - I have 2 premious due now - there goes another $2000+