After a long summer break, I've finally got my model/daughter back in the "studio", ready for another attempt at some portrait photos - this time applying Colin's advice after my earlier attempt in May.
Below is the result.
I used a remote flash (Canon 580EX II), mounted on a stand with a shoot-through umbrella. It was situated to the right of the camera. The background is velvet. I used a grey card to set the white balance. I forgot to over-expose by 1 stop, as Colin recommended. I instead increased exposure in Lightroom, and reduced highlights to bring the skin tones down. That brought out the hair nicely. Other post-processing consisted of: reduced clarity to soften the skin; increased clarity around the eyes to compensate; whitened the eyes and removed (faint) red veins; whitened the teeth slightly and reddened the lips slightly.
So how does it look? The original RAW file is
here in case anyone wants to compare with it, or show how I can improve on the PP.
And here is another one, which was processed in a similar way to the previous one.