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Thread: lens filters

  1. #1

    lens filters

    I have just bought a 2nd hand Panasonic lumix to back up my range of SLR's (mainly due to be able to walk around on hols w/o a ton weight on my shoulder) It came with 2 lens filters 1 marked CPL and the other FLD Does anyone know what these are for and how I can use them? There was another one marked UV.... but I know what that 1 is!

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: lens filters

    CPL = Circular Polariser (or Polarizer if you're other side of the pond). Haven't a clue what FLD is.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: lens filters

    FLD filters are Multi Coated Glass filter for correcting flourescent light. Mostly used for film since you can adjust and correct white balance in the camera and in post processing.

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: lens filters

    When shooting daylight balanced film under fluorescent lights, The FLD filter would get you in the ballpark color wise but, it is no longer necessary through the absolute magic of digital capture. Another way we used the FLD filter was when we shot electronic flash in an area in which the ambient light was primarily fluorescent. We would place a greenish colored gel in front of our flash head which would turn the flash color close to the fluorescent. Then we would place the FLD filter over the lens which would turn the entire shot into color temperature which we could work with. This was better then trying to correct for dual light cource illumination. You can still use a greenish gel when shooting electronic flash in a fluorescent lit environment but, you don't need the FL-D filter over the lens.

    There were also FL-B filters to be used when shooting tungsten balanced film under fluorescent light.

    Fluorescent balancing filters were not always dead-on efficient because of the many variations of fluorescent light that occur.

    This is just another example of how much easier the photographer's life has become with the advent of digital photography.

  5. #5

    Re: lens filters

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    CPL = Circular Polariser (or Polarizer if you're other side of the pond). Haven't a clue what FLD is.
    Hi Donald, Have found out that FLD is used for correcting colour balance when shooting under flurescent light.. but only needed if you are using film(whatever that is!)

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