I need Steve to teach me how to insert these skys so perfectly
It is free Nicola; you can get the 8 bit image in your PM's I finally found a use for. Do a bit of dodging and it looks alright to me, and even Frank will like it. I gained more from doing it than you could believe, doing other peoples photo's is really hard.![]()
Nice idea Antonio. If Nicola is not already using some sort of housing, then it is certainly a strong recommendation.
I used an underwater housing on a little P&S some years ago and they certainly extend the limits of what you can do. Trouble with good housings, is they usually cost at least as much as the camera.
Go Pro and the like have lowered the cost, but the cameras dont usually have the quality of DSLR lenses and sometimes dont always produce RAW files, just jpegs.
A friend of mine who has a D200 housing for underwater photography really does create some fantastic shots, although he is a pretty competent diver too!
Yep; that is it Nicola.Very good rendition and I like Franks as well. Antonio, I just used the magic wand on a duplicate in photoshop and eraser. Then pasted the clouds in.Bringing the duplicate to the front and wallah new sky.
Not bad.
Frank has nicer sail texture, with possibly an accurate, but unflattering, colouring on the sail, by contrast, yours looks cleaner and more suited to purpose of advertising.
That said, Frank's version is better sharpened and his simpler sky doesn't distract from the boat so much.
I am learning watching this thread develop, as many others are too.
You are really learning fast, Nicola! Much better!
I tried to blend the triangle on the rear sail with the background as it appeared to me to be a mesh that can be seen through. I had to choose between seeing more of the detail in the foresail or having it brighter. As Dave noted, it coulda, shoulda been brighter. I am still just begining to learn some new techniques in PS. In this case I used a selection for the foresail and adjustment layers so that I could go back at any point and change the settings. I then did the same thing for the water, and then the sky. Next time I think I'll try using Smart Objects and Smart Filters.![]()
At first view was going to say that the boats are too low in the pics. Steve's edit took that away very nicely.
Thanks to Antonio and Ian!
I saw GoPro in a sport store some time ago.
it is very interesting but I've a doubt on the promotional videos made with it: was the gopro camera mounted on a steadycam? or the stabilization has been maden with the internal Image stabilizer?
My friend already own an "action cam" and is thinking to upgrade to go pro...
let's wait for his decision..
Thanks Dave!
you are right, I will work on the point you fingered, but not in the next few days, i'm sorry...
I've still too much PP work to do...
You're learning... can you imagine how much I'm learning?![]()
thank you so much Frank!
you just put a couple of ideas about this picture...
about the triangle in the rear sail, it should be a bit transparent, but it wasn't. I can't see trough it in every pictures I captured...