Very nice.
The muted tones and colours in this are very, very good. The only distraction I find are the flags cutting across the top left-hand corner. I like how we have the space at the right-hand side of the tree that allows us to see in the background. It makes us feel as if can walk around the tree and continue on our journey.
I wonder hopw you feel about posting the image at a larger size. It would be nice to be able to view at a larger size.
Nice shot, Antonio.
Looks very Tibetian
Mind me asking, where was this taken?
Days in England are often like this!
Congratulations on making something very worthwhile out of a situation when many would pack their camera away.
This could be hanging on a gallery wall, it is an excellent painting.
Nice one Antonio, but I would have loved to see this one a bit bigger too.
Antonio, parabéns!
Gostei bastante da imagem. Por acaso seria de uma festa de São João(junina)?
The title and shot are perfectly fitting.
Nice work.