Compliments...this is awesome. Personally I would choose to have less border when viewing on the screen.
António you are showing us some wonderful images at the moment. I'm really enjoying them!
awesome pic love it
Antonio, I love the image sans border, and for my tastes, the larger pic is much preferred.
Perhaps just a narrow border of 1/8"?
The wall density is very interesting...(they appear to be about two feet thick!), and
the tools laying on the dirt floor bring a damp, musty smell to mind.
I liked the image with the border but, wished that I would have seen the image in a larger scale. Removing the border allowed a larger image to pop up on my monitor. I like it much better.
However, if this image were printed in a very large scale, the large border might be nice.
There are some images that just need to be seen in a larger scale to have impact and we are limited in viewing them on our monitors...
Final version, correctly cropped, unsharped etc etc....
@ Thank you Tobias
@ Mike: The wall is not concrete for sure It may be adobe or any less modern material. I am only sorry that the tools on the floor are not really, really sharp. But... we can't have everything can we ?
Absolutely Richard. Absolutely. Also depends on the room, it's size and light.
However, as we are here I decided after listening to opinions as above stated, to post without canvas.
If I were to print I would do it without canvas because the black and white is - most of the times - or was, presented without canvas.
Thank you Richard fro your lines I appreciate them
it's a beautiful picture, for sure I really like your last B&W works
but ( ) perhaps I prefer the previuos version of this one: the one with a tighter crop above the window. I think the barely visible light in the upper left angle could be a bit distracting, i think... I'm too severe, I know...
thanks for sharing
mmmm... watching again, I'm not still sure about what I said above...
I like the diagonal line of the roof that guides the eyes from top-left to the window, and I like the position of the upper right angle of the frame in relationship with the angle of the window...
but I stll don't like so much the barely visible light...
I don't know... mumble mumble....
Last edited by Nicola; 13th September 2011 at 10:57 AM.
It is a wonderful image. I like to get close to it and it should be printed A2 size with a big white border, so that the image part is A3 or
A3+. The light has a very special quality.
Thank you Nicola and Steve
The crop was intentionally done with the left light at the corner because I think - still do - it's the best composition.
However, I do have made a small correction in perspective or / and lens correction.
I have done this work with two layers, both as smart object. One for the brighter areas and another with the shadows at the left.
Thank you guys for commenting
I like the final version very much. I feel that the light in the upper left adds to the picture. A better way of framing the scene.
The final version is my pick.
A fine B&W image indeed!
Fantastic light Antonio, I very much like this.
Thank you George, Arthur and Paul.
Did I miss anyone ? Hope not