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Thread: Problem with Photoshop Bridge

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    Problem with Photoshop Bridge

    Hi All,

    I have started this as a new post. Recently, I have been having problems with previews in Bridge being blurry.
    I have tried everything suggested to no avail. What I have now just done is completely uninstalled photoshop with the Photoshop uninstaller. I then went and reinstalled the whole program - serial number and all.
    When I go into Photoshop, it still comes up with working spaces that I created in the last instalment and in Bridge it still comes up with all my original keywords. How is this happening? Technically, I installed a new program and it shouldn't know any of this from the last instalment.

    Any ideas on why and have I really installed this as a new program or not?


  2. #2

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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge

    Hi Deb,

    I can't speak for a Mac installation, but in the PC world, what you describe isn't unusual. Often uninstallers don't do a great job of cleaning up the registry & preference files. Sometimes they give you the choice of removing preferences & setting -- are you sure that wasn't an option somewhere?

    Did the reinstall cure the problem?

  3. #3

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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Hi Deb,

    I can't speak for a Mac installation, but in the PC world, what you describe isn't unusual. Often uninstallers don't do a great job of cleaning up the registry & preference files. Sometimes they give you the choice of removing preferences & setting -- are you sure that wasn't an option somewhere?

    Did the reinstall cure the problem?

    This problem is driving me mad. I went through and fixed over 1000 images before I uninstalled the program. After I reinstalled it I went into a folder with 600 images and over 400 of them are blurry.

    I cannot seem to get any help through the Adobe Support as every case I put up appears to be cancelled by them with no response as to why. I have just tried another one and will wait and see.

    I am seriously considering dumping Photoshop and looking at Aperture 3. With the lack of support from Adobe this may be the way I go.

    Any ideas as to whether Aperture 3 has something similar to Bridge for viewing, cataloging etc. Do you know much about Aperture 3?


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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Hi Deb,

    I can't speak for a Mac installation, but in the PC world, what you describe isn't unusual. Often uninstallers don't do a great job of cleaning up the registry & preference files. Sometimes they give you the choice of removing preferences & setting -- are you sure that wasn't an option somewhere?

    Did the reinstall cure the problem?
    Colin will try and post another photo of a screen shot to see if anyone else if having the same problem, so they can see what mine is doing. I cannot even view them in preview mode as they come up the same in there.

    Problem with Photoshop Bridge

  5. #5
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge

    Hi Deb, I am sorry to hear about your frustration. When you say preview mode, do you mean in Bridge or just opening the JPG's in other applications outside of the Adobe products? Does the issue occur before or only after processing in ACR or PS? Is there any possibility you could open the problem files in another computer with PS/Bridge installed? I am asking to try to determine if the image files or the software is causing the problem. Also trying to determine if the image files are getting changed by the software to cause this behavior.

    If the issue is only on this machine then I would try to get help to completely remove all traces of the Adobe products and then reinstall. As Colin says, most applications do not completely remove all remnants of their existence, particularly the registry entries (if MAC has such a thing) which control how the operating system opens and runs the application.

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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge

    Quote Originally Posted by FrankMi View Post
    Hi Deb, I am sorry to hear about your frustration. When you say preview mode, do you mean in Bridge or just opening the JPG's in other applications outside of the Adobe products? Does the issue occur before or only after processing in ACR or PS? Is there any possibility you could open the problem files in another computer with PS/Bridge installed? I am asking to try to determine if the image files or the software is causing the problem. Also trying to determine if the image files are getting changed by the software to cause this behavior.

    If the issue is only on this machine then I would try to get help to completely remove all traces of the Adobe products and then reinstall. As Colin says, most applications do not completely remove all remnants of their existence, particularly the registry entries (if MAC has such a thing) which control how the operating system opens and runs the application.
    I mean in Bridge as I don't open the images in any other program. It can be before anything is done to them in ACR or PS. They can be fine one day and the next they have this problem. I made adjustments to over 1000 photo's to fix them before I uninstalled the program. I believe it is not completely uninstalling as when I reinstalled (which I have done 3 times now) only once on reinstalment has it asked for my serial number, so this tells me it has not completely been removed.
    The next problem is I don't know how to check if it has been completely removed or not.
    After fixing that many images and now going back in only to find over 400 in one folder have gone blurry (pixelated) again. Too scared to open too many more folders.

    Don't know where to turn next.

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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge


    Sorry, don't think I answered this entirely before. Didn't get any option on removing preferences or settings. The reinstall did not help the problem.


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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge

    Hi Debbie,

    All I can think of is contacting Adobe and talking to them - they have "per incident" support available - prices vary - but at least you get a 1 on 1 with someone who knows the software.

  9. #9
    Loose Canon's Avatar
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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge

    Bummer Deb.

    I am especially disheartened to hear about your bad experience with Adobe. Pretty much just salts the wound.

    If you are so inclined, you might try "App Zapper" and do another reinstall.

    Its been a while since I have used this program, but as I recall, you can download the trial version and you get so many "zaps". My trial came with five, of which I have used four, but its an older version. Then if you want to keep it you must purchase it for the price of $12.95 USD. It is widely regarded as one of the best programs (for Mac) to get rid of the files that the built-in app uninstaller leaves behind and for the twelve bucks I consider it a pretty good deal. When my trial runs out, I'll make the purchase. It works.

    Deb, I'm not a big fan of MacKeeper, but if I'm not mistaken, it too has an uninstall function that might help sine you already have it on your machine.

    If it is as Frank mentioned and a problem with the files themselves, and PS itself created these problems and somehow imbedded these problems, then maybe even a clean install would still "see" the problem. I would guess that, in that case, you have to repair these files.

    Again, as Frank mentioned, have you tried viewing your .jpg's in another image viewing program? Say, such as Preview?

    Something else that occurs to me? Do you have any back-up copies of these files from when Adobe was working properly? If so, you might try to open one or two with the Bridge and see if the problem persists. That might tell you if it is a problem with the files or the software.

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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge

    Quote Originally Posted by Loose Canon View Post
    Bummer Deb.

    I am especially disheartened to hear about your bad experience with Adobe. Pretty much just salts the wound.

    If you are so inclined, you might try "App Zapper" and do another reinstall.

    Its been a while since I have used this program, but as I recall, you can download the trial version and you get so many "zaps". My trial came with five, of which I have used four, but its an older version. Then if you want to keep it you must purchase it for the price of $12.95 USD. It is widely regarded as one of the best programs (for Mac) to get rid of the files that the built-in app uninstaller leaves behind and for the twelve bucks I consider it a pretty good deal. When my trial runs out, I'll make the purchase. It works.

    Deb, I'm not a big fan of MacKeeper, but if I'm not mistaken, it too has an uninstall function that might help sine you already have it on your machine.

    If it is as Frank mentioned and a problem with the files themselves, and PS itself created these problems and somehow imbedded these problems, then maybe even a clean install would still "see" the problem. I would guess that, in that case, you have to repair these files.

    Again, as Frank mentioned, have you tried viewing your .jpg's in another image viewing program? Say, such as Preview?

    Something else that occurs to me? Do you have any back-up copies of these files from when Adobe was working properly? If so, you might try to open one or two with the Bridge and see if the problem persists. That might tell you if it is a problem with the files or the software.
    I'll try to answer all your questions. It is preview I am trying to view the images in. In one folder it is on the external hard drive where I have the back ups that have come up corrupt when they weren't like that before.

    As far as the reinstalled picking up what you think might be embedded in the file - the files were fine before I uninstalled and have since gone corrupt once reinstalled and then opened to check images.

    I also tried to uninstall with Mackeeper but still no different.

    Thanks for trying to help - Think I might just give it all away and not even take photo's. I'm just so down heartened at the moment as I can't do anything and tooooo scared to open any folders to only find I have 1000's of images gone corrupt.

    Once they are corrupt they stay that way unless I make some adjustment to them and there are just tooo many to bother with.

    Because it has happened on back up files as well it tells me it has to be the program causing the problem.


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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge


    Just refresh my memory - are the files DNGs?

  12. #12
    Loose Canon's Avatar
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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge

    Quote Originally Posted by wommby View Post
    Thanks for trying to help - Think I might just give it all away and not even take photo's. I'm just so down heartened at the moment as I can't do anything and tooooo scared to open any folders to only find I have 1000's of images gone corrupt.
    You are welcome, Debbie, and I feel your pain. You are working on it and there is a solution. Just don't know what the solution is at this particular moment! Giving it away and not taking photos is not an option. You have way too much that is way too good and I would consider it a personal loss if you give it up. That from a fan! There will be plenty of time to panic later, so please try to hang in there for now!

    I would be interested in your answer to Colin's question. Preview recognizes .dng's as well as .psd's, and most everything else. Is there a specific file format that you are having problems with? And since the reinstall did you try to view with Bridge rather than Preview with the same results? The reason I ask is because we have to narrow this down. Its the only way to troubleshoot and a lot of times it is a process of elimination to find the culprit.

    Debbie, while we are working on this, I would get "insistent" (to put it diplomatically) with Adobe.

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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post

    Just refresh my memory - are the files DNGs?

    They are all files. NEF (raw nikon), tif, jpgs. I have an external hard drive where I back everything onto.

    Since I have reinstalled PS and started checking folders. Images in some Folders on the hard drive appear corrupt, while the same images in the folders on the computer are still O.K

    It just doesn't make any sense to me. I have gone in and fixed up over 300 in one folder now and will see how long it takes before the same files are corrupt again.

    I have put up a case with Adobe Support but haven't had any feedback yet.

    I rang apple technical support today and told them I wasn't sure that the program had fully uninstalled and they took me through to delete some Adobe in the Library area and said that should be it. But again, when I reinstalled the program didn't even ask me for a serial number and again when I went into Photoshop, up comes Debbie's workspace as per the previous installation. Can't figure it out.

    The apple support shop says they know nothing about the Adobe program so even if I took my computer into them they may not be able to help me.

    Just can't get any help even if I want to pay for it.

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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge


    Thanks for your moral support. I won't give it up, just absolutely frustrated at what is happening. Seem to be spending all my time fixing files rather then pp with files.

    Hope Colin reads this, I should have added psd files as well. Doesn't matter what they are.

    I do all my viewing in Bridge with the thumbnails. It is these thumbnails that are pixalated. It there another way to view?
    When in bridge, I open a folder of images, sometimes I press the space bar to enlarge to full screen and sometimes I take a group into the preview mode. When an image has been corrupted I can't view in either of these.

    I have tried to find a phone number to contact Adobe but there is not one I can find outside of America.

    Will keep everyone updated on what is happening.

  15. #15
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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge

    Quote Originally Posted by wommby View Post
    It is preview I am trying to view the images in.
    I do all my viewing in Bridge with the thumbnails.
    These are two entirely different programs, Debbie.

  16. #16
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge


    Do you know anyone else with a Mac that has PS etc installed. It would be interesting to see what happened with your backup drive connected to their Mac?

    Most computers PC or Mac hang on to bits of information from previous programmes;

    1. To annoy you
    2. To prevent reinstallation of 'time limited' programmes or upgrades etc

    Given that there is no love lost between Apple and Adobe, the lack of support doesn't surprise me, although it is annoying.

    Have you tried either Mac or Adobe independent web forums?

    I am still seeing this as an issue whereby the images are not being 'rendered' correctly as the last part of the processing, rather than being ruined completely, hence my question as to whether you can try your back up drive on some other Mac.

    Is it possible to upload a file from your computer rather than a screen shot to let others see if the same thing occurs on their computer when it is opened in PS. (Assuming that someone is brave enough to do so without the risk of corrupting their copy of PS/computer)


    PS If I screw up my eyes to eliminate the lack of clarity, I can see there is a nice picture in there trying to escape!

    Images in some Folders on the hard drive appear corrupt, while the same images in the folders on the computer are still O.K
    So, it is now only the images on the HDD that are causing you problems? Can you confirm?
    Last edited by shreds; 10th September 2011 at 08:26 AM.

  17. #17

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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge

    Hi Deb,

    Have you tried resetting the prefs as per this KB article?

  18. #18
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge

    Hi Deb,

    Does Nikon's ViewNX2 only work on PC?
    UPDATE; No, a Mac version is available.

    I use that, rather than Elements of Photoshop bridge to preview and select my RAW files.

    For the record, I suspect it is only the thumbnail images that get corrupted (and these are held in an Adobe database I suspect).
    I'd be surprised (read horrified) if any changes are being made to the image files themselves, so hopefully your photos are safe. What happens is when you open and save them, you force PS to update the thumbnail, which 'fixes' the very low res one. It isn't fixing the problem though, and carries some risk, so I wouldn't do it if I were you.

    Not that this is going to be any consolation, but I have just remembered that I had a similar problem with Elements 6 years ago (on a PC I might add). I now remember going all through this open and save malarky.

    If I recall, there was an option in Elements to rebuild the entire database and all thumbnails, but it was soooo time consuming, for thousands of images, I never bothered after the second time it did it. That would have been with Nikon jpgs or more likely Fuji RAWs in those days, not that that seems terribly relevant.

    All that is probably why I have not bothered to invest any time in cataloguing my files using either Elements or Bridge in CS5. I have a solution in ViewNX2 which works for me, so I leave well alone - the 'once bitten, twice shy' rule applies.

    I am tempted by Lightroom (it can remember the jpgs of disconnected USB drives), but have so far resisted, I would hate to spend more and have the same thing occur.

    I wish you luck and you have my commiserations too,
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 10th September 2011 at 12:07 PM. Reason: correct tpyos and update as my memory returns

  19. #19

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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge

    I've just glanced at my(PC) Bridge preferences - I don't know how close they are to those in Mac, but here goes!

    Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Use Software rendering, and generate Monitor sized previews - are either of these checked? If so, try unchecking them.

    Edit>Preferences>Cache>Purge Cache might be worth a try

    Good luck!

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    Re: Problem with Photoshop Bridge


    Having now discovered you can get a Mac version of ViewNX2 (link above or google "ViewNX2 Mac"), it is probably helpful to mention that you can add links to programs like Elements, CS5, etc. within ViewNX2 that gives you right click* 'Open With' functionality from the thumbnail or full screen preview. Makes it seamless to get from one to the other.

    I reckon it's a better option than you giving up photography

    While ViewNX2 isn't perfect, it has to be better (I've never had a thumbnail problem) than what you are experiencing now.

    * Just had a nasty thought, do Macs have a right (mouse) click option? Still, I expect there's a way.

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 10th September 2011 at 12:11 PM.

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