I really like them all. Colors are really vivid and your composition are very nice. Especially #1 and 2. I love the way you lined the building up in #1 like a procession.
Nice set of images Dora. I'm envious of your trip !
The grapes in #2 look great but I'm just not sure about the blurred building roof in the background. I would consider either cropping it out or cloning it out. Just my personal opinion.
The composition in #3 is pretty good I think although it might be worth thinking about whether the bits of stone wall on the right should be cropped out. Not sure which would work best. Also perhaps the sky (highlights) could be darkened a bit.
The image quality is very good, well done
Thank you guys for your feedback, I'll be back with the redone pics. The idea behind #2 was to put somehow together 2 symbols (vineyards and churches) I'm not sure about the result but in my mind I wanted just a suggested shape of a church
Hi Dora, I liked the first one but was disapointed that the cross on the top of the church was clipped. I thought the colors in the grapes in the second one were fantastic but it looked like the horizon around the building in the background was tipped a little to the left. When I saw the third one I thought 'Oh WOW' that's a beauty! Based on the trees at the end of the canal, it to looks like it to is tipped a bit to the left but the image still left me breathless! Excellent!
Thank you Frank, very useful comments. I have to get used to check every detail before pressing the button
Really sharp,enjoyed viewing and the CC here is what I saw too but the points raised don't detract too much from a great set of images.
Hi Dora, welcome back,
My first impression opening the thread and seeing #1 was "that's nice', as John said, nice and sharp.
#2 is good as well.
I would add to Frankie's three points, the following;
on #1, I would clone out the aerials, at least where they break the skyline adjacent to the church building as they grab my attention, but that could just be because I recognise a horizontally polarised Yagi when I see one (engineering background, sorry) maybe 'normal people' don't notice them so much, given their ubiquity.
#3 looks like a slightly wider lens, or two shots to sticth as a panorama, would have been better for the composition which doesn't quite work for me.
Hope that's helpful,
The catchlights on the fruits in no.2 make this for me. I also think that this benefits from cropping the church background out. (understand what you were trying to do, but it leaves the eye wandering).
I took like 20 shots for #3 and now(with your help thank you)I realized that is not possible to have everything in oneOriginally Posted by Dave Humphries
- is it bad? (accounting background, sorry). I'll do the search, want to learnOriginally Posted by Dave Humphries
and mind wondering :what's wrong with that picture?Originally Posted by shreds
Thank you Dave and Ian it is very helpful to have more than one pair of eyes looking for improvement.
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 10th September 2011 at 04:19 PM.
Last edited by FrankMi; 10th September 2011 at 02:54 PM.
Whatever the "warts" those look like pretty good shots to me.
Real nice shots, my favorite is the first one. With the difference of buildings its not easy to get a viewpoint that combines them.
Hi Dora, there are other post processing software packages out there. Some, like GIMP that Donald MacKenzie uses, are free. Photoshop has a little brother called Elements which, from what I understand, contains just about everything that a photographer needs to do post processing at a lower cost. Most packages have a free 30 day trial but if you decide you want to keep it you will have to purchase it and 30 days may not be enough time to check out all the things it can do.
To stretch the image like I did, I just selected the Move Tool and pulled it wider with the mouse. For your image I also lightened it a little and tipped it slightly to the right to straighten the buildings and level the horizon.
Last edited by FrankMi; 11th September 2011 at 02:57 AM.