Ello chaps, been while since I had a ramble. and since I have been hassling ol Col about lighting of late off forum, I thought I had best get back to posting.
I used a 400d for quite some time, always using the lower range glass etc. but over the last year picked up a good flash unit and prime 100mm.
well the last move I made was to jump bodys, I had a chance to get a sharp price on a new 5d mk II
well after playing around for a lil bit (at work Shhhh :P ) I was just blown away! how sharp the shot was and the the cropping factor is just unreal! also the AF etc is 100% better than the last body I had.
Now this is not a blowing my own trumpet type post, Im putting it up here for those that are sitting on the post, thinking to themself would they like to upgrade etc. again Im not a pro or anything close, but do enjoy the hobby of photography etc and would love to move it futher.
please note, these are taken from the door of my little cave (office at work) note photos are imported into lightroom, nothing done to them etc, as Im just trying to show how sharp and the how heavy one can crop. I know for alot of you this might be boring, but I know if I was still looking, this would have helped me.
taken with 5d II, ex 580 II, Lumiquest mini softbox, 100mm 2.8L IS macro prime
and the heavy crop
even tighter crop