Esteemed forumites,
I'm trying to get my head around photographing the milky way. As winter approaches here in Norway (well, technically it's still fall, but tempus fugit...)I can look forward to(?) short days and long and hopefully, clear nights. Needless to say I'm hoping to make the most of this period.
I've seen some pictures of the milky way that was taken with some pretty middle-of-the-line DSLR equipment, and I'd like to give it a shot myself. The only problem is that I'm helplessly confused and have no idea as to where to start. I want to shoot the milky way, and I've gathered that you need to stack exposures to do this. How do I do this? What kind of software do I need? Is said software something that will play nice with Lightroom 3, or do I need PS? If so, will Elements do?
I've also understood (from star photography mistakes I've already made) that the celestial bodies move quite a bit. I understand that there's some piece of kit that that will adjust the angle of the camera. My questions are obvious: What kind of hardware do i need, and is it expensive?
In closing I'd like to say that I obviosly have no idea how to go about this. Can anyone help shedding some light on this?
Thanks in advance,