I've been wanting to photograph this local bridge for several years, and last Saturday afternoon the
opportunity presented itself. I had determined weeks back that this would be shot in B&W, and have
had that in mind ech time I cross the bridge on my way to town. On this cool afternoon the skies
were perfectly cloudy and gray.
Although only a 500' span, the Dalles Bridge is critical to accessing civilization for any of us living on
the south side of it, as the only other access to our area is a single-lane bridge about 13 miles to
the east along a rural country road (frequently closed from avalanches and landslides).
These are the results:
This photo was also my first effort at thinking of an image in a 1:1 ratio, and I cropped out
my envisioned 1:1 image during processing. Also made every effort in this image with respect
to the rule-of-thirds.
The steel girder connections made for an excellent subject, although I wonder if they could have
been captured better at different settings.
The last image is also a 1:1, and was shot from the south bank of the river, just east of the
bridge location. Shot in color to show off the beauty of the bridge's setting.
Hope you enjoy them. As always, your thoughts, concerns, criticism's and especially suggestions
for improvement are most welcome.