This heron visits our pond from time to time,I know when it's around early morning when I the screeching of the gulls -they also dive-bomb it. Tinypic didn't work for me yesterday when I tried to post it,it's ok now. When I looked out of the window yesterday morning after hearing the gulls I saw the heron standing at the side of the pond eyeing up the fish ,they have good eyesight and it must have seen me move away from the window because it then flew up onto the apex of a neighbour's house.This heron looks quite tidy and good colouring, must be doing well taking fish from garden ponds, they can look scruffy at times.
I photograph birds using Av because there are a lot more shutter speeds available than aperture settings - if it's a bright sunny day and the bird is in flight then Tv would be my option.I use centre weighted - on a small bird,spot metering. I also have the camera (Canon 7D) set up with the surrounding AF points to the centre one active giving me 5 AF points.
f6.3 1/1600 sec. ev +1/3 ISO 800.400mm Av.
Posted wrong photo,can't add here will have to add in 'reply'Not as sharp as it could be.probably my editing,a weakness still. Tried lens blur in CS2 and 'Clarity' in LR3. Any suggestions ? The lens cover was against the window pane.