Clever idea. Is that the headlights of a vehicle you're using?
How long did you have the headlights on for? I wonder if it could have done with just a bit less time with them on?
qoq. good job. headlights are correct. and i agree, next time i'll use less light for a shorter time. the headlights were only on for 5sec out of the 2'15"min of open shutter. for some reason the light ruined my horizon line.
Hi Lee,
5 seconds, thats not long (and a good guess), but still too long.
Is the black horizon effect a shadow (of the banked edges) cast into the mist by the lights?
What are the vertical trails, surely not star trails in that short a time (2 min 15 sec)?
Was the camera tilted?
hmmm, you're absolutely right about the star trails. i noticed it too, but for some reason i didnt think about it. i looked at the other 2min+ photos in the same series and none of their star trails aren't that long. strange the camera was alone on a tripod on a timer. gonna have to remember that next time.
Now that's a bit different. Nice image.