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Thread: Need Help with this shot

  1. #1
    batman44's Avatar
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    Need Help with this shot


    I need help on how to "re" take this shot! One thing I know is that I have to get there earlier in the day so the SUN isn't shinning right in front, but any other suggestions..etc would be great!!!!!

    This is from our land we purchased last year, a huge stone building that has this "tunnel" inside. (The building has been neglected for many years, as you may be able to see the shrubs and trees growing about).

    We will be "cleaning" up as much as we can this summer.

    Thank You!!

    Need Help with this shot

    Aperature Priority, f8.0, 1/60, 18mm, ISO 400, White Balance: Auto

  2. #2

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    Re: Need Help with this shot

    Hi Kori,

    It's going to be a bit of a challenge!

    You've really got a couple of issues that need to be solved:

    (a) Those kinds of scene often exceed the dynamic range of your camera's sensor (yes, even award-winning Nikon sensors!). Having dark shadow areas and full sunlight in the same shot is the issue - so that's the first step to overcome. Shooting just after the sun has set will probably help, but ...

    (b) The other issue is going to be available light if shooting just after the sun has set.

    My suggestions would be to ...

    (a) Shoot just after sunset, but on a tripod - as you'll need an exposure of several seconds (you'll probably want a low F-number to give max depth of field).

    (b) Include a grey card (or even a white sheet of paper in a test shot so you can correctly white balance the shot.

    (c) You could try a few bracketed shots and try an HDR composite.

    If the above isn't good enough then the only other thing I can think of is adding light into the tunnel. Flash is the easiest, but you're likely to get issues with harsh shadows and uneven illumination.

    In an IDEAL world I'd setup about 3 or 4 wireless flashes with diffusers

    ... never said it would be easy!

    PS: If you find any snakes in there be sure to take a photo - competition is running again this week

    PPS: Not sure how good you need the result to be - simple post-processing might be sufficient - let me know if you'd like me to have a crack at it for you.

  3. #3
    batman44's Avatar
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    Re: Need Help with this shot

    Thanks Colin-
    I was sort of afraid that I would get a reply like this one! The darkness of the tunnel, the sun being too bright, the flash, shadows.....

    The Ideal World.... boy I love hearing that one!

    Only having basic knowledge and equipment at this point, it seems I won't be getting a desirable picture. While I don't "mind" this shot...I just know it can be done so so so much better!

    I'll have to practice with this scene next time we head up there. Probably won't be for another week or two though

    If I get any better results I will make sure to post them...but don't cross your fingers yet!

    Snakes....probably a few hiding in a few of the corners...the building is quite large!
    Incredible Really......Here is a front view:

    Need Help with this shot

    And this is the back - looking towards the "tunnel":

    Need Help with this shot

    There are actually 4 buildings total on the property... A Swedish man did all the work in the early 1900's - his work is quite impressive to say the least! Carvings in stone and the size of these pieces! I love looking at it!



  4. #4
    batman44's Avatar
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    Re: Need Help with this shot

    Colin -
    If you think you can - by all means....crack at it!


  5. #5

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    Re: Need Help with this shot

    Judging by the size of the crack in the stone, I'd be kinda glad to be photographing it from the outside!

    From what you've said, I'd be inclined to ...

    - Shoot just after sunset when there are no hard shadows.

    - Use a tripod and remote shutter release

    - Shoot a bracket of shots (constant aperture, but varying shutterspeed) and we'll see what we can do by way of a HDR composite for you.

  6. #6

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    Re: Need Help with this shot

    Quote Originally Posted by batman44 View Post
    Colin -
    If you think you can - by all means....crack at it!

    I'll have a go over the Easter weekend for you

  7. #7
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    Re: Need Help with this shot

    Thanks a lot Colin! I appreciate the help! Wish I could get up there sooner... I'll be pushing for next weekend..... this weekend is busy with Easter and my son turns 18!!!!! yikes!

    Happy Easter too!


  8. #8

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    Re: Need Help with this shot

    Quote Originally Posted by batman44 View Post
    ... and my son turns 18!!!!! yikes!
    18? - no - I've seen your photo and I don't believe it!

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    Re: Need Help with this shot

    Colin .... yep he turns 18 tomorrow for me.... april 9..which is already for you I think with the time difference?????? I can't beleive it myself!

    Have to say Thank you though!

    Wait.... did I post a picture of myself??? I just don't remember doing that??? Must come with age! Now I'll have to check out what picture I have on here.....
    Off to bed now... 5am comes fast!!!! Be back on tomorrow! "nite"

  10. #10
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: Need Help with this shot

    Silly question Kori, what is the matter with the shot, it looks fine as it is, or can be tweaked a touch. The experience of a dark tunnel in a sunlit landscape is that it is very bright outside and rather dark inside, so why not record it as such?

    I am not sure quite what you are trying to do, but if you open up the NEF in Nikon View NX (free download off Nikon site, possibly after registering your camera and signing in) and set it in the browser at the maximum size (slide top left corner) then open 'quick adjustments' (bottom left corner) you can do quite a lot: exposure compensation, D-lighting, shadow & highlight protection and several other things. The save will save the original and new version, no danger.(have done most of this on your jpg & tried one of my own dodgy nefs)

  11. #11
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Need Help with this shot

    Hi Kori,

    I'm inclined to agree with Chris, I can't say I honestly see too much wrong with your original; exposure looks spot on, there's detail in the tunnel.

    Ok, so the rock face of the tunnel entrance is a bit blown, but that hardly matters to my mind.
    A little dodging and burning could improve the lowlights and highlights within the tunnel and out the other end and job done, I'd have thought.

    Happy birthday to your son and Happy Easter to you all,

  12. #12
    batman44's Avatar
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    Re: Need Help with this shot

    Thanks, I guess my concern is the dark shadow area in the left corner area.. I tried to lighten, with shadows and highlights - I use Corel Paint Shop Pro X2, not knowing ALL it can do though but I am reading up more on it. Most folks don not use this program so it's hard to get step by step help.

    I will also have to check out Nikon View NX.

    You mentioned you did some improvements on my image...can you share??? I need help/examples!

    Thank you also. I will give the dodge and burning a try after work today!

    Thanks for the Bday wishes for my Adult son now! LOL... And Happy Easter to you also!


  13. #13
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: Need Help with this shot

    Hi Kori

    I only did a quick explore in View NX, which is really only a preview/sorting program; perhaps forget for editing. I have done another quickie below. You will be able to do better having the original nef. You will probably pick up other Paintshop users if you put an 'anyone using?' thread in the PP&Print section.

    This looks a bit faded for some reason, but shows the info is there to be teased out; also a lot more colour

    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 10th April 2009 at 08:57 AM. Reason: add image inline

  14. #14
    batman44's Avatar
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    Re: Need Help with this shot

    Thanks Chris-

    I will be playing with this over and over....I'm getting I'm happy to see that YOU were able to fix the left corner area - you were able to bring it out of the shadows!!! My tries were all toooo light everywhere...I know I have a lot to learn yet, and just patience with learning is hard!

    Hope to be back up Next weekend so I can try to get better shots to work with!

    You've been very helpful - thank you again!

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