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Thread: Giorgio...

  1. #1
    jprzybyla's Avatar
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    A recent photo of Giorgio. Any ideas on how to improve? All comments appreciated.


  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Giorgio...

    Quote Originally Posted by jprzybyla View Post
    A recent photo of Giorgio. Any ideas on how to improve? All comments appreciated.

    Hi again Joseph,

    I just gave a lot of feedback to Miss Kitty second try (and I have removed the first try to avoid confusion)

    You have some lovely cats by the way, both pictures make me want to stroke them, so that's good.

    On this one, we do have background and foreground issues that could be improve by re-shooting.

    This one was shot at iso 2500, yet seems less noisy than the other at half that - except inside the cupboard, where it hardly matters.

    If you're not shooting RAW, I suggest you do, then post process with a workflow that will handle high iso better.

    You still have f/4.5, 1/30s and 70mm, so many of the comments in the other thread apply here too.

    It looks to have focused on the whiskers, not the eyes - with anything that has eyes, it is always better to focus on them

    Your aperture at f/4.5 didn't give much Depth of Field (DoF), which hasn't helped the slight mis-focus

    Your shutter speed, at 1/30s, risks blurriness due to camera shake or subject movement, but that said, I don't see any
    Despite the issues with the cupboard being well lit and sharp in places that distract from the subject, this is quite a nice composition with Giorgio looking very natural and relaxed
    I like the line formed by the paw up across the chest to the face and those ears are great


  3. #3
    Peter Ryan's Avatar
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    Re: Giorgio...

    Hi Joseph and wecome to CiC.

    Dave has covered off the main issues. I do note that the point of the cupboard and whiskers and right paw are sharp at this point. I am thinking that is was the centre of the image and where you just happened to focus. I suspect you camera is set to multi-point focusing and this is the closest point to the camera so the camera has focused there by default. Have a look at your menu, under Focus Modes, and see if you can change the mode to Single Point and then you will be able to point your camera at the eyes and get them sharp.

  4. #4
    jprzybyla's Avatar
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    Re: Giorgio...

    Thanks for the advice and suggestions Peter, you are right on all that you wrote. It was a grab shot, without much time to get off a quick frame. Cats are not always cooperative when wanting them to pose. Next time I will use spot metering and focus on the eyes.

    I looked at the photos in your albums on Cambridge in Colour. Nice, the type of photography I enjoy and hope to do. Thanks again.

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