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Colin, I could post a RAW file somewhere I suppose!? I think I will test your theory about exposing to the right end of the histogram first. This does seem counter intuitive to me since the single biggest reason I use higher ISO's is to decrease exposure time - now I'm supposed to increase the decreased shutter speed!?!?! Oh the confusion. Now I will be wondering if 3200 ISO at 'normal' exposure will give better results that 6400 ISO 'exposed to the right'.
Bottom line question, will this help with my son's hockey pictures or not!? :clown face:
I already load up the right side of the camera histogram when taking hockey photos (everything is white), but maybe I need to see what happens when I let some of the whites hit the edge! (this is funny to me because the rink is called The Edge).
I also need to do some comparisons of 'down sized' .jpg's too, as I do agree with your point about high ISO noise being overly obsessed about.