Your Union flag is upside down. It this configuration it signifies or similar distress. They don't looked distressed but may be unhappy with sunburn and sand in the wrong place later.
Mod's Note - Jeffrey is referring to Image #18
Printable View
Your Union flag is upside down. It this configuration it signifies or similar distress. They don't looked distressed but may be unhappy with sunburn and sand in the wrong place later.
Mod's Note - Jeffrey is referring to Image #18
Last chance to vote in PP Challenge #7. Poll will close in about 24 hours from now.
Every member of CiC is eligible to cast one vote.
What you have to do is decide who has demonstrated the greatest skill in producing an image from the original which was supplied by Steve (mrgargal), winner of the last challenge.
You select the image number, NOT the post number. And send me a PM (Private Message) telling which image number you have chosen. It's that easy.
Voting will stay open until about Monday evening (UK time).
Okay ........... DRUM ROLL! FANFARE! LIGHTS!
I am quite sure that many people must have inadvertently pressed the number '1' too often. They obviously meant to vote for #1, but hit the button twice and voted for #11. Or maybe not .........!
But the very clear winner of PP Challenge is ...........................
Philip is now invited to post up a message to tell us how he did it. I'd love to know.
And then PP Challenge #8 will be along in a few days time.
Congratulations to Philip and to everyone else for taking part.
Good job. Very creative.
Just putting this up the list in case people didn't see it.
Many thanks Donald, Philip and Sam for the comments.
I am delighted with the win. I was sure there were a few that could have beaten me on this one, so thanks everyone very much for the votes.
Donald asked for a brief rundown on the process. The hardest part was trying to think of a unique idea, but as to the PP process, my wife paints so I had access to an easel and blank canvas. I took enough shots of the easel and canvas until I was happy with the angle. I then applied a "water colour" filter to the beach photo and masked out the portion of the flag to still be painted. I then pasted the beach photo into the canvas photo as a new layer and rotated the layer until the base of the beach lined up with the base of the canvas. It was obviously the wrong shape so I masked out whatever part of the layer was beyond the edge of the canvas on the left, right and top. I then photographed my arm holding the paint brush against the blank canvas, pasted it in as a new layer and removed any excess material around the arm. Lastly, I coloured the hairs of the paint brush red.
Very well done!
I have to admit yours was my second choice but only by a little bit.
Much more creative than mine. :)
Congratulations Philip, A great idea, thanks for the 'how you did it', very well done:)
Thanks Darlene and Wendy for your comments.