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Thread: Importing in Lightroom 3

  1. #1

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    Importing in Lightroom 3

    I have just purchased Lightroom 3 and are having some problems when importing from memory card.

    I choose source - No Problem
    I choose Copy as dng - No Problem (I have read there are advantages to dng)
    I choose where images are going - No Problem
    I choose make a 2nd copy and where they are going - No problem
    I choose renaming and have made a preset ie:- 11Oct_Beach_001dng - No problem
    I assign keyword/metadate -No problem
    I choose Into One folder - No problem

    No problems with all these choices. After I import them to Lightroom they come up in the Library correctly and as named, BUT when I go in and check to make sure they have been saved in where I chose the 2nd copy to go (my external hard drive) I find they are named as the camera native name of DSC8975NEF.

    Now, what is the point of renaming if they are going to be named differently in my back up external hard drive. Why are they being named as the native camera name and not the name I chose? The copy in Lightroom is correct but the back up copy is not. How can one find images in the back up drive if they have different names?

    Have I done something wrong? Is this the way Lightroom just does it? What benefit is there to renaming if this happens?

    Also, is there a benefit to copying as dng files?????


  2. #2
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: Importing in Lightroom 3

    Have a look HERE and at her other tutorials.

  3. #3

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    Re: Importing in Lightroom 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Clactonian View Post
    Have a look HERE and at her other tutorials.
    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for this but it was not on importing dng files as such. It touched on importing jpeg files which is different. And it didn't go into whether or not the 2nd copy were named differently.It was also from a very early Lightroom not Lightroom 3.
    Thanks anyway for your help.


  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Importing in Lightroom 3

    Hi Debbie,

    I watched a bit of it and as the mouse passed over the back up location box the tooltip said something like "Where to copy the original files to" - so I think that's your answer, it backs up the memory card while you're importing, not puts imported and renamed dng files there. (that's awful grammar, but you know what I mean)

    I can well understand your point of view though, for what you do, it doesn't make sense.

    Colin uses CS5 for this, I wonder which file type and naming version that puts in the back up location (if he uses it)?


  5. #5
    Kris V's Avatar
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    Re: Importing in Lightroom 3

    I ran into the same thing when I started using LR. Now I import (and rename) to one location, and then synchronize with the back-up copy.
    I use syncToy from Micro Soft (Free), and the nice thing is, it also backs up the xmp files that LR creates.
    Maybe not what you look for, but it's part of my work flow.
    When I'm done in LR, I synchronize to the backup, and then reformat the card.

  6. #6

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    Re: Importing in Lightroom 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris V View Post
    I ran into the same thing when I started using LR. Now I import (and rename) to one location, and then synchronize with the back-up copy.
    I use syncToy from Micro Soft (Free), and the nice thing is, it also backs up the xmp files that LR creates.
    Maybe not what you look for, but it's part of my work flow.
    When I'm done in LR, I synchronize to the backup, and then reformat the card.
    Thanks Kris,

    I will definitely try this.


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