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Thread: Selection of My First Urban Images

  1. #1

    Selection of My First Urban Images

    A selection of my first "Urban" images with a DSLR. Critique very welcome

    Selection of My First Urban Images

    Selection of My First Urban Images

    Selection of My First Urban Images

    Selection of My First Urban Images

    Selection of My First Urban Images

  2. #2
    Bootsy's Avatar
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    Re: Selection of My First Urban Images

    i'm loving number one.but for me i would of straighten the wall a bit.(but it could be my dodgy monitor)

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Selection of My First Urban Images

    Hi Steve,

    Yeah, number 1 for me too as a favourite.

    I wonder what #2 looks like with non-converging verticals - it may destroy the shot's "reality" look though.

    I know what you mean bootsy, but having zoomed in enormously and compared to edge of my screen, I think the photo is straight and the wall goes in and out (quite a bit).

    I know that problem, been doing lot of PP today and trying to reconcile an un-straight world into decent looking images.

    Nice series Steve, well done,

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Selection of My First Urban Images

    I think it may be an optical illusion caused by the window. When I hold a straight edge against the screen everything looks square and even.

    I assume that is a traditional phone box behind the undergrowth. Just wonder if it would look better with a different crop to loose the part of a sloping upright on the right hand side so that the horizontals disappeared off the page.

    To me, that is throwing everything askew.

  5. #5

    Re: Selection of My First Urban Images

    No1 was as vertical as I could get it using the grids in GIMP. I must admit it has had me looking again and again.I think it may well be the window.

    Image No2 is actually a ranger station on the Mersey Forest Park near my home (below). The light was poor and the original image under exposed. Serve me right for leaving home with a monopod only

    Selection of My First Urban Images

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Coventry, UK

    Re: Selection of My First Urban Images

    Really nice shots, I just never seem to 'see' this kind of result in front of me when taking shots in urban areas.

    I think there is a bit of optical illusion going on in shot one, the wall does slightly curve in and out a little around the window area, I didn't notice it until bootsy pointed it out to be honest.

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