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Thread: Whitehaven Harbour

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Whitehaven Harbour

    Whitehaven Harbour

    My first trip back to the UK for about five years for a week in the Lake District. I'd forgotten how good a English breakfast was, I'd forgotten how good (and wow, how real expensive) real ale was and how wonderful the Lakes are. Getting re acquainted almost made up for a week of miserable grey weather and next to no good light at all. But I'd travelled a long way, done battle with Charles de Gaulle airport (and came a close second) so I was going to take pictures regardless. This is Whitehaven late evening with me slowly sinking into wet sand trying to take a shot and keep my feet dry.

  2. #2
    Harpo's Avatar
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    Re: Whitehaven Harbour

    Nice shot Paul. If you could make it a little bigger so it shows up larger in the light box I think it would be real nice. did you get this effect via PP or filter?

  3. #3

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    Re: Whitehaven Harbour

    A little saturation in PS to get the colours up is pretty much all - that and a little contrast and crop. Just noticed the damned seagull - think he'll have to be cloned out cheeky bugger !!!
    Took about 3 or 4 shots with the camera set on spot - should've used a spotmeter and I could have got what I wanted first go. As it was a couple of minutes messing about with exposure compensation while sinking into wet sand and sacrificing my socks on the altar of photography

  4. #4
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Whitehaven Harbour

    Quote Originally Posted by bambleweeney View Post
    ... and sacrificing my socks on the altar of photography
    But it was worth it.

    If you take the gull out, you'll also need to take out its reflection. Could start getting messy. I think it's okay in there.

    I do like the sky.

    Does it need a small counter-clockwise rotation, or is that just an illusion being caused by the angle that the sandbar near the mouth of the harbour is running at left-to-right?
    Last edited by Donald; 8th October 2011 at 02:58 PM.

  5. #5

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    Re: Whitehaven Harbour

    No Donald I think it's straight using the lens correction thingy in Photoshop. It does look a bit off and I think that is due as you say to the angle of the sandbar. Course I could cheat and rotate it anyway so it 'looks' straight ....
    The sky was nice, it promised more but changed its mind and just gave me this which compared to the rest of my week was pretty good so no complaints ..

  6. #6
    rob marshall

    Re: Whitehaven Harbour

    Quote Originally Posted by bambleweeney View Post
    No Donald I think it's straight using the lens correction thingy in Photoshop. It does look a bit off and I think that is due as you say to the angle of the sandbar. Course I could cheat and rotate it anyway so it 'looks' straight ....
    The sky was nice, it promised more but changed its mind and just gave me this which compared to the rest of my week was pretty good so no complaints ..
    I think it is out, and needs about 0.5 deg CCW. If you do that then check the level of the base of both piers you will find there are now both level. It's a nice shot, with some interesting colours.

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