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8th October 2011, 01:43 PM
Bulb again
Hope the image makes it this time - my fault (I'm an idiot)
I dug up my gladiolas for winter storage the other day and thought that this bulb with all it's little "bulblets" might make an interesting subject. I've never tried indoor stuff before so I just dumped it on top of an old duster on the table by the window and fired away. Getting the depth of field right was a real headache, to get the whole bulb reasonably sharp I had to go to f32 which meant that I had to stand behind it jiggling a piece of cloth to hide the book shelf. Perhaps one of you indoor experts could give me some tips on how to improve future shots of this kind.
Exif 85 mm. F32 , iso 200, 15sec
Last edited by Donald; 8th October 2011 at 01:46 PM.
Reason: Text from original thread posted into this one
8th October 2011, 01:53 PM
Re: Bulb again
As you can see, I've moved the text from the post that didn't have the image, into this one that does. And a very fine image it is.
I think it's a very good still-life. Not the sort of thing I shoot and those who do may wish to make more detailed comment. But to my eye, the focus and sharpening are spot on, the exposure is good and the lighting gives it shape, form and texture.
All-in-all, I think that's a very pleasing image to look at.
8th October 2011, 05:52 PM
Re: Bulb again
Thanks for your comments, Donald. As I said i've never tried this sort of thing before - beginner's luck?
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