Hi everyone...
hope to get advice/hear your thoughts, I'm a newbie w/c is to say I have completely no experience with DSLRs and having been blessed just recently with a 60D for a gift I am enjoying using it and learning about photography in general. One of the reasons why I love this site is that information is presented in such a way that is easy for someone like me who is new to DSLRs to understand
my 60D came with the 18-135 EFS lens and I am absolutely loving the pictures I've taken with my camera, even flirting away from using full on auto and tinkering and shooting with my own Av and Tv settings... from zoomed in close up shots of flowers, to landscape shots and group pictures (will post some when I get up the nerve to one of these days)
thing is I've been given a rare opportunity to get a new lens for it and I've been reading on some of the posts in the lenses category and I'm now confused about what to get. I've read about the 24-105mm, 17-40mm and the 17-55mm as well as the 70-200mm and the 10-22mm.
of the above mentioned lenses the 70-200 F4L (no IS); 10-22 EFS; and the 17-40 F4L are at about the same price range that my benefactor can afford (or will consider for purchase) with the 24-105mm and the 17-55mm a bit more expensive but I could probably get if I ask nicely enough
what lens should I get? I would probably want something to complement my existing kit lens EFS 18-135mm (or should I just sell it and get a better one in the same range?). Is an EF "L" lens really better than a comparable "EFS" lens? I usually take shots "hand held" and the lack of IS in some of the lenses I've mentioned is a bit of a concern for me or should it "NOT" be a concern at all because I'm using a crop not an FF camera?
It seems I've bunched a lot of of questions together but I would absolutely love to hear ur thoughts/suggestions! thanks!![]()