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Thread: Big Hopper

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Big Hopper

    Hi everybody,

    this season macro photography was my passion - will be next year too . This big hopper was pleased for a shooting and I liked the light. Not ideal the kind of flower in the foreground. But I do not like to manipulate the scene.

    C&C is highly appreciated!

    EXIFs: 150 mm macro lens, 1/160s, f/6.3, ISO 200, -1/3 ev & a tripod

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  2. #2

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    Re: Big Hopper

    Very nice capture.

  3. #3
    KeithH's Avatar
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    Re: Big Hopper

    A really good shot Marcus, especially the capturing feelers.

  4. #4
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    Re: Big Hopper

    Very interesting looking grasshopper about legs and antennae! Wow..

    We don't get any critters like that in my neck of the woods this time of year, except for the
    herds of colorful slugs..Big Hopper


  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Big Hopper

    A very good capture of the animal. To my eye there is an excellent colour and tone balance. The background colour and tone work very well with the animal and the flower head.

    Unfortunately, the editing work you did around the lower part of the stem of the flower, is very obvious (from the point at which the antenna crosses the stem, down to the bottom of the frame). If that could be attended to, then I think you would have a very good image.

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Big Hopper

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Unfortunately, the editing work you did around the lower part of the stem of the flower, is very obvious (from the point at which the antenna crosses the stem, down to the bottom of the frame). If that could be attended to, then I think you would have a very good image.
    Hi Donald,

    I don't think there has been any editing work, there are two seedheads exactly in line, one in front of the other and possibly a third blade of 'grass' behind them, which is even more out of focus.

    Hi Marcus,

    I'm amazed it sat there and let you set up the tripod, presummably a shot without the foreground flower wasn't possible?

    I have to say, I would have shot slightly offset, so the foreground flower amd stem were separately against the background to allow it to be easily cloned out - but then I do like to manipulate a scene (to an extent) but each to his own. as they say.

    Do we have another Marcus?

    If I haven't greeted you before; welcome to the CiC forums from ....

  7. #7
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Big Hopper

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    I don't think there has been any editing work,
    If I'm wrong on that then I owe Marcus a very big apology. It is what you decribe as the blade of grass behind them that looked like one of my poor editing jobs. But that says more about my poor editing skills that Marcus' fine image.

  8. #8

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    Re: Big Hopper

    @ all
    thanks for you feedback!

    Hi Mike,
    slugs are quite difficult because they are so fast, too fast for macro until they rest - but very fascinating!

    Hi Donald,
    it is like Dave said
    but you already know my bad post-processing skills
    However, to avoid that bald of grass would have been the proper solution since it obviously irritates - so you see lesson learned.

    Hi Dave,
    slightly offset - yep that definitely would have made is easier to ignore the foreground.
    Cloning out...already got a lesson from Donald on another picture, I think I need to work on that end a bit more.

    "another Marcus" ... don't know haven't tried.
    Last edited by another Marcus; 10th October 2011 at 06:03 PM.

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