I am just beginning to learn how to use my new Sony A55 DSLR. I was wondering about settings and why auto settings seem to differ in result from manual setting using the same f/stop, speed and ISO?
I am just beginning to learn how to use my new Sony A55 DSLR. I was wondering about settings and why auto settings seem to differ in result from manual setting using the same f/stop, speed and ISO?
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 15th October 2011 at 03:28 PM.
You need to be a little more specific.
Post some examples with as much info on each as possible and let the gurus here get their teeth into them for you.
In auto focusing there is a small square the you place in the position that you want to be in focus. If that square contains scenery that vary in distance, the camera will have to make a decision where to focus the camera. This is often the case in macro photography. The camera can not get everything in the square in focus so it will pick something. The camera does not know what in the square you want to focus on. In manual focus you choose.
Mostly it seems the white balance differs. On manuel the picture in sunlight appears more bluish.
Are you referring to the cameras FOCUS switch for Auto/Manual or is it the "Mode" dial you are referring to?
The FOCUS switch should not change Color Balance in any way, only the way the lens reaches correct focus.
I have a Canon G1X when set to Exposure Modes- [Program, Av, Sv, M,] I can set fixed white balance, but when I turn the mode dial back to "Auto"- everything, (and I mean EVERYTHING!) resets back to auto. White Balance included- which is very annoying.
May be your camera does something similar.