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Thread: Yellow-Lined Arrow Crab

  1. #1
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Yellow-Lined Arrow Crab

    Hey all!

    I'm back! Well, sorta.... I'm still swamped with major projects at work, trying to get back to normal after the dive trip, sifting through and processing the hundreds of photos I brought back, and a few other personal items... So while I can't read/post as much as I would like to, I'm slowly finding some time to get back here and visit. Hopefully soon I can get completely back to normal.

    Anyway, like I said - I'm back from my dive trip with tons of photos. I'll be sharing more on my blog than I will here, just to keep from cluttering things, so if you're interested, please visit there regularly.

    However, to get started here, I am going to share a photo of a yellow-lined arrow crab (Stenorhynchus seticornis). These are some interesting reef residents, and I really am fascinated by them. Fortunately, they are common enough, that I get to see them quite frequently on dives. Unfortunately, their long skinny legs and body make them a bit difficult to get all in focus, and they prefer to hide under ledges (like this guy here) where the light isn't always the greatest.

    Yellow-Lined Arrow Crab

    Pretty cool, huh?

    - Bill

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Yellow-Lined Arrow Crab

    Quote Originally Posted by ktuli View Post
    Pretty cool, huh?

    As well as being excellent images, this just provides such an insight into a world that I am never likely to experience or explore. Fascinating stuff. And I remain in awe of someone being able to get down there and capture quality photographs.

  3. #3
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Yellow-Lined Arrow Crab

    Neat! Can't wait to see more! Thanks for posting

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Johannesburg,South Africa
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    Tobias Weber

    Re: Yellow-Lined Arrow Crab

    Nice pic I think if I would go diving I would be way to excited to even hold my Camera but well done

  5. #5
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: Yellow-Lined Arrow Crab

    Donald: I am more than happy to share a window into that world. I've loved the underwater world for as long as I can remember, and I'm glad I finally got certified to dive and can enjoy it even more this way. I love to share that with others.

    Frank: Glad you like it - and yes, there will be plenty more to share!

    Toby: It is funny actually... having my camera in my hands has actually made me a better diver. I know it sounds absurd, but the extra mental focus I need to take photos has helped me to automatically improve my buoyancy and breathing. I slow down my dives and have learned to pay attention to things more. This was only my fourth dive trip ever, and only my second with the camera (not counting the point-and-shoot cameras I used on my first dive trips since they actually were bad for my diving and I got very poor photos from them).

    - Bill

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Johannesburg,South Africa
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    Tobias Weber

    Re: Yellow-Lined Arrow Crab

    That pretty interesting, I actually wish I lived at the coast as South Africa has some superb diving areas, maybe I will try it one day

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