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Thread: Man best friend

  1. #1
    kaskais's Avatar
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    Fernando Cascais

    Man best friend

    Man best friend

  2. #2
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Man best friend

    In my monitor the sky has a band of a different colour crossing it.
    May be it is just the monitor.
    It's a nice picture well composed.
    However it expesses a little loneliness and not the joy and pleasure of having a dog...

  3. #3
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Man best friend


    I agree with you and my monitor is calibrated.

    Maybe it is due to post processing that has introduced this, as most of Kaskais's pics have some degree of adjustment?

    Does it need that much sky or would a crop help focus attention?

  4. #4

    Re: Man best friend

    lovely color tones again from mrkaskais very good composition too. i really have to comment about the title of this pic..."mans best friend". the more i look at the pic, i know i am totally right in saying that the dog(mans best friend) and the man, are quite ready to break up their boring friendship,move on with their lives, separately, and in different directions too

  5. #5
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Man best friend

    Quote Originally Posted by shreds View Post
    Antonio, I agree with you and my monitor is calibrated. Maybe it is due to post processing that has introduced this, as most of Kaskais's pics have some degree of adjustment? Does it need that much sky or would a crop help focus attention
    Shreds, I think the degree of croping depends on the "croper" , I mean the one who does it, the photographer...
    For me the crop is OK he would only need to fine tune that little problem on the sky.

  6. #6
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Man best friend

    Quote Originally Posted by taken View Post
    ... are quite ready to break up their boring friendship,move on with their lives, separately, and in different directions too
    Excuse me but what I see in the picture is the dog just turning around to "provoque" the person to play with him.

    It looks like the kind of posture that dogs do when they want to play with people and people don't care or seem not to care.

    However, I think this is minor problem. Better yet: this is not a problem in the picture.

    I see the picture as a very good one and I like it very much, thought I would like - if we want to be so meticulous - to see a better posture for man and animal.

    May be another(s) shot two or three seconds later would enlight us ...
    Sorry for my English. I dare write errors as long as you understand what I mean And I am sure I make many.

  7. #7

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    Re: Man best friend

    I like the composition of this shot a lot. The empty sky leaves one thinking that the man and his dog have walked a long distance, perhaps they still have a long way to go. Since the subjects are in sillouette it's impossible to see any expression and therefore not easy to determine their mood. I merely see the dog as glancing back to be certain the master is still following. The color of the sky also makes me wonder if maybe there isn't a storm brewing in the distance. A thought provoking photo that leaves the viewer with a feeling of serenity. I like that feeling.

  8. #8
    Adrian's Avatar
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    Re: Man best friend

    No banding in my monitor.
    And it looks like a woman to me.
    Interesting colour tones.

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