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Thread: 3 Autumn Shots - Would appreciate any and all C&C

  1. #1

    3 Autumn Shots - Would appreciate any and all C&C

    #1 - Kind of an iconic autumn shot
    3 Autumn Shots - Would appreciate any and all C&C

    #2 Puff Ball
    3 Autumn Shots - Would appreciate any and all C&C

    #3 Mushroom
    3 Autumn Shots - Would appreciate any and all C&C
    Last edited by flashback; 12th October 2011 at 10:31 PM.

  2. #2
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: 3 Autumn Shots - Would appreciate any and all C&C

    Nice shots Jack. I like the colours, particularly in #1 (even if the saturation has been wound up a bit !). The background is interesting in #1 also - wondering what it is ?

    Cheers Dave

  3. #3

    Re: 3 Autumn Shots - Would appreciate any and all C&C

    Dave, thanks. Yeah #1 might be a bit saturated. See below for another version of #1. Let me know if you like it better.
    The background is just sky through leaves and branches in the background.
    3 Autumn Shots - Would appreciate any and all C&C

  4. #4
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: 3 Autumn Shots - Would appreciate any and all C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by flashback View Post
    Dave, thanks. Yeah #1 might be a bit saturated. See below for another version of #1. Let me know if you like it better.
    The background is just sky through leaves and branches in the background.
    3 Autumn Shots - Would appreciate any and all C&C
    That's a hard one Jack. #1 has more "wow" to it but #1a is more natural. I probably prefer 1a.

    Cheers Dave

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: 3 Autumn Shots - Would appreciate any and all C&C

    Hi there Jack,

    Definitely prefer 1a version of the first, I'd clone out the unconnected leaf top centre causing the almost vertical white egde though.

    #2 - I would crop about 15 - 20% off the right hand side, good atmosphere (damp) and exposure

    #3 - not a keeper in my view (sorry); over exposed, subject too central (as #2), too much else is in focus, and the green leaf lower right is distracting - but all this is good, you/we learn more from the less successful shots.

    Could I ask what camera/lens you used?

    Hope that was helpful and I wasn't too tough with #3.

  6. #6

    Re: 3 Autumn Shots - Would appreciate any and all C&C

    Dave E. Thanks and yes, I'm kind of liking 1a better as well. Sometimes one has too many choices.

    Dave H. Thanks and no worries about your judgment on #3. Funny, I never noticed the green leaf in the lower right. The cap and center stalk on #3; I tried to tone it down some, it was the best I could get without it being noticeable. It's not my favorite but I do kind of like the image. There is something about 'too much else in focus' in this photo I actually like.

    #2 was already cropped but I do see what you mean about it being too central. Easy fix that.
    #1a I'm liking that one better as well. I agree with your comment on the unconnected leaf (top center). Funny how you (meaning me) can miss something that, once pointed out becomes so obvious.

    As for camera, it's a Nikon P500, set on macro, f/6.3 1/10 sec focal length 4mm

    Thanks again for your input and advice.
    "It's a poor carpenter who blames his hammer."

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