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Thread: I Like Seeds.... This Much

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    I Like Seeds.... This Much

    I know this isn't the prettiest bird picture on the internet (what with the feeder), but I just want to share it.

    Late this afternoon I put some food out for the birds. As I was doing this 2 Doves came straight in for the seeds. I put a small amount on the feeder to keep them there and went and got the camera.
    When I came back out they flew onto the fence. I put some more seeds down, took 3 steps back, and one came straight back in

    I Like Seeds.... This Much

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: I Like Seeds.... This Much

    As you acknowledge, Dave, having the feeder there doesn't do it any favours. But setting that aside as an acknowledged weak spot, I think the other thing would have been to set yourself up with a much wider aperture to throw the background much more out of focus. Because if you isolate the bird and look at just what you captured there (everything else aside) it is a beauty. It's what else that's in the image that holds it back.

    But, 'see' that image of the bird, with no feeder and a blurred background and you have a winner.

    Reminds me of Naseem's winner, which featured in his 'In conversation with ... ' interview. Go here and just scroll down.
    Last edited by Donald; 13th October 2011 at 09:06 PM.

  3. #3

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    Re: I Like Seeds.... This Much

    It will be one for my 'make better folder' Donald

    I know how to blur the background in ps. Getting rid of the feeder would be more of a challenge for me.

  4. #4

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    Re: I Like Seeds.... This Much

    ps... That capture of the pigeon Nasseem Malouf done is a cracker.

  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: I Like Seeds.... This Much

    Yep, I think your one is best seen as a learning exercise. You now know you have the skill to capture a bird in flight and make a good job of that. Now, it's all about working on setting up the situation and location where you can put it all into practice and be in position for a good composition the next time.

  6. #6
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: I Like Seeds.... This Much

    Biggest damn hummingbird I ever saw! LOL! Great capture of the bird in flight - you rarely see a photo of one in this kind of landing configuration. Awesome! Now if you could catch it landing on a branch in a forest...

  7. #7

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    Re: I Like Seeds.... This Much

    Quote Originally Posted by FrankMi View Post
    Biggest damn hummingbird I ever saw! LOL! Great capture of the bird in flight - you rarely see a photo of one in this kind of landing configuration. Awesome! Now if you could catch it landing on a branch in a forest...

    Mission accepted. All I need now is a 30ft ladder, a harness, and a tiny bit of luck

  8. #8
    Martin's Avatar
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    Re: I Like Seeds.... This Much

    Also in CS5 (Photoshop 12.1) you could always use the 'The Content Aware Fill' to remove the feeder or the 'Clone Stamp'

  9. #9

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    Re: I Like Seeds.... This Much

    I'm trying just now Martin..... Making a right mess lol

  10. #10
    Martin's Avatar
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    Re: I Like Seeds.... This Much

    Quote Originally Posted by Skyline View Post
    I'm trying just now Martin..... Making a right mess lol
    Easiest way i use is this....

    1 - Duplicate the layer (Always do this anyway!)
    2 - Start by only selecting say the pole of the feeder in small areas, then gradually keep repeating until it is all gone. Now your proberley left with a mis match of colours, heres where the clone stamp comes in useful.
    3 - view 150% or more and select the area that matches the best colour and press the ALT key (Not sure what on Mac) and gently paste in with say oppacity at 60 % (This is image dependant and will variy)

    Im not at my machine at the mo due to work but ill have a look tonight and see if i can do a quick re-edit for you.

    They may well be an easier and quicker way but this is the method i use when theres something in my shot that takes your eyes off the photographic subject

  11. #11

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    Re: I Like Seeds.... This Much

    Thanks Martin. I've been messing about for ages. Not done something like this before (not such a big thing anyway).

    This isn't good but I've spent to long not to show it lol. This is done on a laptop. Wish I had one of those computers where you can use a pen.

    I Like Seeds.... This Much

    I Like Seeds.... This Much

  12. #12
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: I Like Seeds.... This Much


  13. #13

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    Re: I Like Seeds.... This Much

    Believe me Frank. It's best at that size lol.

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