Hi all,
It occured to me the other day that with the forthcoming Panasonic TZ7 point and shoot having Facial Recognition (not just Detection for focus and exposure), why didn't someone put it in PP software. I think I then saw or heard an ad where they have (can't remember who though).
The idea is that once the camera (TZ7), or software, recognises the same facial features in a few shots, it assumes this is a say, a family member and offers to record metadata against it for future use; typically a name and date of birth - I assume this is then put into the tags/keyword field of EXIF info to automatically tag your portraits with names, making subsequent searches much easier on your computer.
Neat idea for say, Elements 8, assuming whoever has already done it hasn't protected the idea.
One would hope it works on groups to, so it would automatically have the names listed for everyone in a given shot (Hi Kori - this could be made for you!)
And in PP world, once it's done that, you could ask it to go through you library looking for other shots to update (if it could ne trusted).
Anyone have any thoughts on this?