No I wasn't aware of a newer edition. However I must admit that I don't have any copy of this book. I have looked through it extensively in book stores, and would highly recommend it for the beginner. It's also very often recommended on other photo forums (right by majority I guess )
Like Richard, I started photography in the days of 1/film speed at f/16 and made adjustments (from experience) for the time of day. And for a long time I actually believed I could hand hold at 1/50 second and get good results.
I suspect that the most common screw up is exposure. Too far to the left or too far to the right. I virtually never take a shot without checking the RGB histogram (and have adjusted the contrast setting to get it closer). If the shot is more than one stop under, it's trashed on the spot and re-shot. If it's a bit over, I know I can probably salvage it in Lightoom (use RAW only). Perhaps what I think is the second most problem will offend, so I won't go into it.