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Thread: King of the Castle? Or just bullocks

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    King of the Castle? Or just bullocks

    A long time ago, when I was a child (yes I really was one once) we had a little game which involved climbing onto the highest object then stating 'I'm the King of the Castle and you're just dirty little rascals'.

    Sometimes there would be an 'insurrection' when someone would try to remove the 'king' or find somewhere higher to stand.

    Do any children still play this game, I haven't witnessed it happening for some years.

    But this bullock still appears to be doing the same thing.

    King of the Castle? Or just bullocks

    And, on a different topic, you can't beat a good neck rub can you.

    King of the Castle? Or just bullocks

    That shot is slightly soft but I'm not sure what went wrong.
    Last edited by Geoff F; 22nd October 2011 at 08:06 PM. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Harpo's Avatar
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    Re: King of the Castle? Or just bullocks

    Ah, I remember playing "King of the Hill" as a kid… it was on those weird slides shaped like a large wing with the long end sloped towards the ground while the shortest point was elevated in the air at an angle a bit less than 45 degrees. There was a rail all along the edge except the bottom which you grabbed and pulled yourself up then supposedly slid down the aluminum slide- darn hot in the summer! We called it the "barn door". Haven't seen them anywhere since- probably the overprotective police came in and declared them insanely dangerous for children! Pluhhhhh!

  3. #3

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    Re: King of the Castle? Or just bullocks

    Never played that as a kid - had asthma for most of my kid days.

    Pics - really like #1, just like a king, aloof but watching over the herd (or is he just looking for the next target?).

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: King of the Castle? Or just bullocks

    "Do any children still play this game, I haven't witnessed it happening for some years." I used to play King of the Hill and I am sure that it is still played. However, I am equally sure that the concept horrifies some politically correct persons who think that kids should never get aggressively physical.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: King of the Castle? Or just bullocks

    Funny how Castle got changed to Hill across the atlantic

    I guess we have more of 'em (Castles, I mean)

    Although, from watching too much TV, don't you have forts?
    I guess that only applies in a relatively small area compared to the overall size of the 'states though.

    Yes, sure I played that when very young, on the furniture indoors when wet outside!

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