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Thread: Two little bouys

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Two little bouys

    Two little bouys

    Derwentwater, Lake District and finally got a little light. This is a two shot pano, no idea what I was thinking here as the left hand shot had the horizon tilted a good 5 degrees anti clock and the right hand shot a good five degrees clockwise. Straightened the shots out and stitched them in Photoshop. It's a bit of a postcard but I kind of like it - actually it looks better larger but .... Anyhow the two little bouys - am I being anal in wanting to clone them out ? Did anybody even notice them ?

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Two little bouys

    Quote Originally Posted by bambleweeney View Post
    .... Anyhow the two little bouys - am I being anal in wanting to clone them out ? Did anybody even notice them ?
    And there was me thinking of the Rolf Harris song

    They would be more noticeable if you'd given us a bigger version, but at this size (700px wide), they are hardly visible - the foreground boulders are far more of a problem to the composition, I think I'd clone out the two in the centre


  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Two little bouys

    Personally, if there isn't any boats or boating artifacts in the scene I would clone the buoys out.

    I'm not sure about those rocks but I can see what Dave means. With such a small area of water in the foreground they are a bit distracting. If the water area was greater, then you may well need a bit of foreground interest.

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